Chapter 4~ 4 weeks, 6 days

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I woke to the sound of the rain. I smiled and sat up a little. The rain had always been a love of mine. My eyes fluttered open, not to see the poster of some of my promotional posters for my favourite games taped to the ceiling, but to a khaki green plastic roof. My heart stopped and my throat constricted as confusion rippled through me. Until, with a heavy heartbeat, I sat up and all the horrible memories came rushing back. I wasn't home; there would be no school today. Just trying to survive another day. Just trying to get some more information. But I was still so tired...maybe I can get back to sleep.

'Wakey, wakey princess' someone shouted over the rain from outside my tent. I sighed, never mind. I stretched, hands brushing the top of the tent before peering outside. The rain was pouring down. A flimsy, green raincoat got tossed into my face. I grunted, annoyed. I layered up with a small pile of clothes that was placed at the mouth of my tent. A singlet, then a long sleeved flannel, then a thick t-shirt, then a jacket matched with tights then pants on top and finally a pair of combat boots. I already felt warm and waterproof enough but I still slipped on the raincoat and stepped outside. The raincoat and layers were really no use as the rain hammered down of me,

'WE'RE GOING TO THE MAIN BUILDING!' A blurred figure screamed at me so I shouted back, a little confused,

'ALRIGHT!' They led me around through the rain and cold. Every step I took slowed me down as the rain pushed me around, soaking me steadily. Fortunately, a normal, industrial building came into view. Simple, only a few storeys high but definitely better than the makeshift tents. How come Halo hadn't shown me this before? Even though I was wearing my raincoat, I was soaked and shivering like crazy. We hurried undercover. It was as simple inside as it was outside. Beige tiled floors and glass windows as the main walls. The interior walls were all rendered and coloured a pleasant coffee. There was no furniture in the building which I found peculiar. It smelt musky and old but comforting at the same time. Our footsteps echoed hauntingly in the large, rectangular room.

'W-w-w-w-why d-d-didn't you t-t-t-tell me t-t-th-th-this e-e-e-e-existed' I stuttered, the cold and rain really affecting my body temperature. It was so hot yesterday, what happened? Everyone looked at me and noticed my soaking state.

'Halo! I told you to get her a decent raincoat, not a freaking shitty one' Oblivion cried before hurrying off into another room.

'I'm sorry' Halo said with sarcasm leaking in his voice, 'I didn't notice.' Halo glared at me suddenly.

'S-s-s-surprised I s-s-survived w-w-w-without your d-d-d-dumb help?' I managed to gasp. Thankfully Oblivion returned with a few towels, a heavy blanket and a thicker raincoat.

'Luck.' He dismissed.

'Pft, luck? Really, Halo? I saw her fight that Rado, it wasn't luck. She has the determination, just give her a little room' Oblivion said, scowling slightly. He seemed to be the only person capable of challenging him other than me. Both Pepper and Boss were quiet and reserved, scared of Halo and his reactions. He was like the 'popular' boy that everyone kept away from.

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