Chapter 9 ~ 1 week, 2 days

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Ok Ima softie. Sorry. I posted before I hit my deadline. I realised it was a little much :(

So goal for this chapter....

75 reads (again)

5 votes (yay 5 less then last time)

And some feedback about WHAT I NEED TO CHANGE. IMA GONNA EDIT SOON CAUSE THIS STORY NEEDS SOME TOUCHING UP. LIKE WOAH ITS HORRIBLE. Sorry for the preface xx Thanks for the support.


Someone grunted. I could hear them but I couldn't see them. Where was I? Why was I swaying? And then I remembered where I was and how I got there. I should be on the floor yet I feel like I'm swinging. Motion sickness maybe? But...I could feel someone's heartbeat against my eyes fluttered open to see lava directly below me. I screamed suddenly, jiggling about, trying to get free of the body that was carrying me. My voice was high-pitched and squeaky,

'Stop moving Silver' the voice grunted again,

'Who is it?!' I said, sounding frightened. I screamed as whoever was carrying me jumped onto the next block in the parkour. I realised that the person was carrying me and parkouring at the same time. I knew who it was, 'Freaking hell, Oblivion. How did you even find me?' I twisted my body to see his face sheen with sweat,

'Remember, I'm a Genetic too. I can see further than normal. I saw you passed out in here so I shifted and came to get you. Don't do this again, you hear me?'

'Why did you even bother coming after me? And why should I listen to you? Put me down.'

'Silver. We talked about this like an hour ago. Do I really need to tell you again? And because I'm your boyfriend, you have to listen to me.'

'Boyfriend!?' I shrieked, 'Since when!?'

'Since now' he laughed a little and I knew he was being stupid. I played along

'When did I decide this?'

'You didn't'

'Well that means you aren't my boyfriend'

'No, it means I have yet to ask you'

'Well since we have cleared the fact that you aren't my boyfriend, can you put me down?'

'No, you aren't in your shift. You'll burn to death.'

'Thanks for your immense belief in me' I grunted sullenly. He laughed,

'You're welcome'

'I'm going to come back here whenever I like by the way'

'No you aren't' he dropped me onto soft grass. I hadn't even noticed we had finished the parkour. That was quick. I breathed the grass in, enjoying the smell. A wave of nausea swept through me, but passed as quickly as it came. I looked up at Oblivion whose eyes were a charcoal black. Could that mean he was mad? Or annoyed? Or could it mean he was being stubborn? The dark colour suited his light hair. I smiled a little at his protectiveness over me. It was a warming feeling. It meant someone actually cared about me in this world.

'yes I am. I can do whatever I like' I finally replied and rolled onto my back, facing away from him. If I stared too long, I'd make myself obvious.

'Aha, very funny' he mock laughed, 'but you can't' he sat down next to me but not lying down.

'I can' I sang, 'I know how to control my shifts'

'You cannot'

'I can so'

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