Chapter 14 ~ 10 days after

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The sweat on my face was dripping like a tap. I slid down the wall behind me and closed my eyes tiredly. You'd think that a building that required a riddle to get in would have riddles throughout. No. They can't make it easy for us. They just had to make us fight monsters tirelessly, every single level. We've been here two days, managing to snack on things we packed a while ago and drinking old water, fighting monster after monster. We've gone up six levels but does that stop them? No. So on the seventh level I collapse onto the wall behind waiting for the magical ladder to appear so we can continue onto the eighth level. It does within two minutes. When we climb up though, we are pleasantly surprised. Fresh water. And food. Waiting for us with a little note from the makers of this stupid place. TC shuffled over and read it with me over my shoulder:

You've done well so far.

One more level and you're done.

But you're going to have to wait it out.

I groaned loudly and let the note flutter to the ground. TC also slid down into sitting position next to me, muttering something about them being cunts. I handed the note to Oblivion and Zamice who also sighed and sat down. There was no knowing how long we were going to be in this room for. No wonder why they gave us food and water. I crawled over tiredly and grabbed an apple. I took a bite out of it much to the rest of the team's surprise

'What?' I asked, my mouth full of half-chewed apple

'That could be poisoned or...or spiked...or...' TC's voice trailed off

'Well I'm eating it anyway' I replied, rolling my eyes. I crunched my apple louder and took a gulp of water from a bottle

'What's the worst could happen?' Oblivion asked, crawling over to me and snatching something random up. He shifted his body closer to mine and I cuddled him with a smile.

'You could die?!' TC said incredulously, watching as Zamice joined us.

'We could die any moment now.' I replied with a shrug. It's not like it mattered anymore.

'Don't you want to make it out alive?'

'it doesn't matter anymore' I said, pulling my knees into my chest, the familiar numb feeling coming over me. TC looked at us for a calculating moment before snagging an apple up and taking a massive bite out of it. I grinned and Oblivion laughed.

Later, while the rest were asleep, I woke up. A nightmare haunted my subconscious and jolted me back into reality. I lay awake for a while before something shifted on my left side. Oblivion had woken up and sat near me. I smiled at him tiredly as he pulled me into his arms. If there was thing I was good at, it was cuddling. I kissed him lightly before saying

'Hey' my voice was hoarse and husky

'Morning angel'

'Fallen angel' I corrected

'Same thing as long as you're with me'

'What's gonna happen when get out of here?'

'I'm not sure' he replied, pulling me even closer and kissing my head

'they said we couldn't be set free because we were too dangerous...'

'They might kill us'

'not if we escape'

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