Chapter 10~ Walls have fallen

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Things went awkward in our group. There was always some sort of stillness around us that only ever carried discomfort, never consolidation. They didn't seem to want Oblivion and I going out and didn't seem to want to accept it. Pepper was fine; he didn't stop flirting with me but became a closer friend. Oblivion was always a little too possessive and usually started some sort of argument, always ending up with us laughing. Halo didn't talk anymore, the space under his eyes grew darker and his comments were always something mean. Boss was alright with the decision but seemed to want us to be apart and Arctic just hated us, period. I couldn't say things were going badly but I would be lying if I said things were going well. We discussed tactics more often and trained that little bit extra. The new daggers I got from Oblivion seemed to be absolutely perfect and I knew I didn't want blood on the blades. The Timer now read:

 4                :             15
 DAYS                  HOURS

Originally I thought it was going to be stressful seeing the Timer get to this point. But honestly, it wasn't. That morning Oblivion and I went to collect the morning box. I yawned tiredly and Oblivion leaned over to rub my back. The nightmares I had become more frequent ridding me of any possible sleep and the stress of things was becoming a little too much. When we reached the box, we were surprised to see a piece of paper fluttering about the top of the box, held by a flimsy piece of Sellotape. Curiously, I wandered over and had a look. My eyes widened in surprise,
'Bliv...take a look at this...'
'What is it?' came his reply. He was wandering about the berry bushes, picking them off and popping them in his mouth,
'Just get over here' my mouth was dry and my right eye began to twitch a little. I handed the sheet when he came closer. I watched his reaction. His eyes widened and his mouth went a little slack. I walked behind him and stared at the sheet again. There, in pristine Times New Roman font, were the 8 teams and who was in them:

Team 1:
Cattle Grinder

Team 2:

Team 3:

Team 4:

Team 5:
Chilli Pepper

Team 6:

Team 7:

Team 8:

I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry or to scream. Yet I really didn't understand why I was so affected. All in all this could be good for us but it hurt and I have no clue why,
'Your name is first' Oblivion muttered before sitting down slowly, sinking into a tree behind us,
'Yeah...yeah it is' came my feeble reply. I dropped next to him. I glanced to my left and saw his eyes turn that fearful yellow I have become familiar with, 'Why am I so scared about this?'
'Maybe it's because they know who the special Genetics are and are going to target us?' my face blanched. That was why it hurt,
'We're screwed aren't we'
'Should we show the others?'
'I'm not sure?' his voice went upwards at the end and it ended up sounding like a question rather than an answer. We were silent for a little while before I felt Oblivion's arm wrap around my shoulders. He squeezed me gently, 'I really thought that we could gather everyone up and have peace. All get through that portal. seems as if no one wants that' I nodded while staring at the sheet,
'Some people have really weird names...'
'Don't judge, Miss my name is a colour'
'Says you' I grinned a little as he gasped. He hasn't changed one bit since dating me. And I'm glad. I love him for him.
'So...what are we gonna do? Tell them?'
'It was be kinda stupid not to, right?'
'But...Silv, I don't want to because I don't know if I like our team'
'What do you mean?' I replied hesitantly,
'I mean Boss is a sucky leader. He doesn't lead, he doesn't have initiative, he doesn't do what he's supposed to do. Pepper isn't the best at things like fighting and surviving. Halo was ok until he began hating us again.  And Arctic isn't even meant to be on our stupid team. I get a bad feeling from him, a really bad feeling. He's going to do something awful, I can feel in my bones.'
'Although I hate to admit it, I agree. Our team isn't fit for people like us...we are beyond their limits. We are basically super human while they are struggling to keep up. Even knowing Halo and Arctic are also Genetics, they can't shift like we do.'
'Are we on the same page here?' he asked quietly,
'I hope that for our sake, we are'
'Run off when the Walls fall? Together?' I nodded grimly
'but we have to take a third. Just to make it less suspicious'
'Not Halo! Not Arctic! Not Boss!' he cried,
'he's the best option we got...'
'We better tell him now then' I said quietly, standing up while folding the paper and dropping it into my pocket. Oblivion stood up and hurried after me. We made our way quickly to camp where we found the four crowded around the fire, muttering in quick low voices. As we approached, their murmuring stopped. The glares that were emitted from them were icy cold, except from a now slim Pepper, who grinned,
'The Walls fall in four days' I observed, talking a little more loudly then I should've,
'Yes they are...' Boss replied suspiciously,
'We're taking Pepper.' Oblivion said flatly, picking Pepper up by the neck of his shirt and dragging him back to our pond. I smiled a winning smile before waving sassily and walking away with them,
'Damn. I won't get over her' I heard Halo mutter enviously. I giggled a little
'Aw come on, put me down' Pepper whined as we walked. He now was flopped down Oblivion's back. When we reached the pond, he put him down, 'what was the all about?' Pepper said grumpily, fixing his fringe,
'We need you' Oblivion replied shortly
'For what?'
'Look, our team isn't good for us. I hope you understand that' I said softly, sitting next to him 'We're different. And there are people out to get us. We can't take the risk by staying with the team...we want to run off like the beginning of the plan and not return. But to make it less suspicious and because we care about you, we want you to run off with us.' Pepper tensed next to me,
'You could just stay'
'That won't work. Halo hates us. Boss doesn't agree with us. And Arctic isn't even meant to be here. Please' my eyes glistened a little. Pepper sized me up for a little before replying with a curt,

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