Final Note <3

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Ok so, I'm so sad the story finished <3 seriously Silver is a part of me and Oblivion is almost real and their grief, their happiness, everything ! I felt it all! 

But, i still have editing! I'm going to go through and completely change everything! I still have adding and subtracting to do to this story. And there may be a sequel. ;). 

And maybe, if it gets good enough in my opinion, I will send it to the publishers and try to get it in hard copy so you can be holding it in your hands. How awesome would that be <3

So don't be disheartened! there's still so much more to come out of this story. But one favour is all I ask of you please vote and read and like and comment on all my chapters <3 

Thank you my beautifuls <3 please enjoy readind and I can't wait till I start some new projects. <3

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