Chapter 12 ~ 2 days after

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'MAKE AN EFFORT OBLIVION' I squealed, sweating in the effort

'SHUT UP, YOU'RE THE GIRL' Oblivion's eyes screwed shut as he began to breathe quicker

'Excuse me?' I replied, dropping my sword onto the floor.He looked at me sheepishly and mutter an apology. I laughed and ruffled his hair as he dropped his sword too. I collapsed onto the floor sweating. We've been trying to get into this god damn building for the past hour or so. The idea was that if Oblivion and I could jam into the resistance of the door and attempt to push it out, it might work. It didn't.

TC sat with his glistening smile, observing us carefully. The amulet that always hung around his neck seemed to glow in the sunlight. I didn't notice it when I met him. But now I couldn't seem to keep my eyes away. It was pretty. Very pretty. It was a pendent in the shape of the eye with graceful bat wings protruding from it. To most, it was creepy and horrific. To me it just screamed elegance. Apparently, it stopped him feeling pain. It didn't stop him from dying but it protected him from vulnerability. I glared at him,

'How about you try and help us, lazy ass?' I asked with a huff

'don't get shitty with me kitty. I'll help when we have a proper idea. One that will work.' the glow of his eyes changed to a light blue. One thing I have noticed about TC is that you never see his irises. There's a glow. It's creepy but somehow nice at the same time. I frowned at the mention of the name kitty. It reminded me of Halo. I wonder how they are doing at the moment. Zamice was off somewhere with Pepper to try and find the other teammates. So Oblivion, TC and I stood alone, pondering the door. It was wooden and rotting with vines hanging around it. The door handle was a ring and it had the number 36 on it. I frowned again and run my hands around the unprotected part of the door. I ripped off a few vines here and there. Then my need for neatness got the better of me and I got rid of all the vines that could be seen. What was left was a weird eye shape above. I touched it curiously. It was cold and made of metal. Within seconds it began speaking in a cool female voice,

'you have three guesses. Get them wrong and you die. Get them right and you are allowed access. This is the riddle for team 3 and for team 6. The riddle for the other teams will be activated once they find this. Every pair of teams has a different riddle. I will repeat this as many times as you like:




Decipher this code.'

We were stunned. Not at the fact we were given a riddle; that was completely expected. It was just the fact that something completely inanimate just talked to them. What powers do the people that put us in here hold? My teeth ground together carefully, pondering

'Does anyone have paper? And a pencil?' Oblivion asked, also looking deep in thought

'I do' TC said, fishing into his pockets for a scratchy scrap of paper and a blunt pencil. He handed them to me and I quickly wrote down what I remembered. I reached up and touched the metal again and heard the clue repeated back to me, without the introduction. I quickly finished what I heard and showed the boys

'There. What's that supposed to mean?'

'It's a riddle Silver, that's the idea.' TC said a little sassily

'Aw shut up' I slapped him across the arm and I saw Oblivion shift uncomfortably. He seemed a little shifty ever since we allied. Perhaps he was jealous. I couldn't tell.

'Ok. Let's go find Zamice and Pepper so we can work it out together' I asked

'Yeah, okay.' Oblivion replied with a nod.

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