Chapter 8~ 1 week, 2 days

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I really need this chapter to get

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and some comments about whether Silver should end up with Halo or Oblivion!! Please, please, please do this for me. I will literally cry of happiness if you do!!


'The Walls fall in one mother-freaking week and we haven't trained at all' Boss shouted at us as Pepper, Arctic, Oblivion, Halo and I stood, in that respective order, in a line near the Timer:

1 : 2 : 17


'Stop shouting at us' I yawned tiredly, 'you woke us up at 6am and have screamed at us for the past hour. We get it.'

'And besides, you're wasting precious training time. You're just as bad as the rest of us' Halo added a little snappily. Everyone snorted and he shifted a little next to me, making himself seem taller. I grinned and watched as Boss went red in annoyance,

'not the point' he growled, 'we need to discuss what we're going to do. Oblivion, write down ideas and things. Our fighting is fine, we just need our plan'

'Can we at least sit down?' Arctic groaned, now comfortable in our team, 'My legs are going to collapse soon'

'Unfit little idiots' Boss grumbled under his breath before sitting down. We followed.

Things had been going well for the past week or so. Arctic had been a little rocky in the team when he first joined but things smoothed out quickly, as time began to shorten. Arctic has been acting even flirtier than normal, which worried me. Although I did like the look of him when I first met him and although he does seem genuinely nice, I didn't know whether I even wanted to be in a relationship with anyone in this situation. And if I was, I'd much prefer Halo or Oblivion, since I feel so close to them. They make me feel safe and warm. But Halo and Oblivion have been acting weird, saying things they wouldn't say and going off together to talk randomly. I was unsure of what they were talking about but I was going to find out soon, next time they disappear. The crate comes every day as per normal and the Timer counts down as usual. More fighting and more sneaking around the Walls. Oblivion and I broke in the next time, together. Nothing interesting happened; they trusted us abnormally quickly and made us feel welcome. But they had the same game plan as the other team. Which scared us. Was every team planning it? We wouldn't be able to tell,

'Alright let's run this through slowly. Bliv, you ready to scribe?' I stood up again, I wouldn't be able to keep still in this sort of situation,

'Sure Silver, you can take over' Boss murmured. He was getting snappier with me. It seems that everyone in the team trusts me with these sort of things but he didn't like it,

'Shut up, Boss. Let her do her thing' Pepper snapped. He had lost quite a bit of weight since we jogged a lot. But he jogged a lot more than what was needed. Everyone looked up at me,

'Let's start with things we know. Firstly, two teams are out to get us, to kill every Genetic possible. We are in danger if every other team does too. We need to figure our way around that problem.'

'That's kinda simple, we kill them first' Halo said breezily, picking something out of his teeth. I glared at him for a second before adding,

'We need to figure our way around that problem while killing as little people as possible.'

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