Chapter 11~ 1 day after

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We sprinted towards nowhere in particular, not even looking to see what was at centre. We just needed to get to the opposite end or further away from our own camp. How I run with all these weapons and all the food and water, I really don't know. Another perk of being a Genetic I suppose. I could see a few people here and there, running or talking and in some cases even, fighting. This was going to be tough...very, very tough. We stopped about an hour later by a massive tree with sturdy branches. I took a big gulp of air and said

'We can't stay on the ground unless we want to be dead within a few minutes. Get up the tree and we'll talk once we've rested up,' Oblivion nodded and kissed my cheek before hoisting himself up onto the branches. I blushed a little and noticed how Oblivion and I weren't sweaty, while Pepper resembled a running tap, 'You okay buddy?' I asked. He just nods, water beads flying off him, and followed Oblivion. Then I grasped the rough tree and scramble up. We climbed up a few more branches we finally stopped and rested, me sitting on the highest branch as I was the lightest. Underneath me was Pepper and finally Oblivion. We rested quietly for a second taking gulps of water and small amounts of food. Oblivion was the one to break the silence

'What next?'

'Well, I reckon we should go check out the structure at centre. Then try to make allies, yes?' they murmured small yeses in response. 'We shall sleep in trees rather than on the ground. We will steal food and if we need water we'll find a lake and put iodine in it. If not that, boil. Basic survival skills' more yeses 'I'm gonna be quiet now, we'll rest for 30'

We all kept our own peace, each thinking their own thoughts. I, for one, couldn't stop thinking about the future, the after possibilities.

If I, we, make it through, what happens after? Will we be taken somewhere to be tested on after? Will we be sent home? And will I remember Oblivion? Will I remember what happened? I glanced at Oblivion whose eyes were closed and sighed. I couldn't forget him. He makes me feel normal and gives me thrills that I couldn't have without anyone else. Despite common thoughts, he may be my boyfriend but he is also my best friend and the mere thought of losing him for good brought tears to my eyes. I wouldn't be able to live without him. Not only emotionally but physically. When I travelled to the other segment, the connection between us weakened. Imagine being in two completely separate places. It'd hurt and somehow, I knew I'd fall ill. Or I'd feel ill. Or I'd feel like something is missing. And my parents. Or my mum at least. How could I ever face them again? With my new found abilities, skills and taste for murder I may actually kill my mother. The sadness coursed through me like wild-fire. My frown must've been a little obvious because Oblivion's voice floated through my thoughts

'Silver, get down here' he sounded a little stern so I put my pack and other things in the crook of my branch and clambered down clumsily. He patted his lap expectantly and I giggled. I sat on his lap carefully, a little worried the branch would snap, and wrapped my hands around his neck. He looked me in the eyes for a second before muttering, 'you are so beautiful and I hope you never think otherwise' I smiled and kissed him carefully and thought about him leaving once more. I held him tighter and his arms wrapped around my waist. I glanced over at Pepper who seemed to be asleep before bringing the subject up

'Blivvy...what's going to happen after we make it through? If we make it through? I can't be without you anymore. I've fallen too hard for you'

'I was just thinking about that exact same thing' his eyes were a sad blue freckled with aqua dots.

'Baby boy' I whispered, trying out the name. It sounded weird but he blushed nonetheless.

'Baby girl' he replied. There were no more words said. There was no need. We got it and we were both scared.

'Bury me in your bedroom where I can sing you to sleep all night, put me next to the open window and promise me a second time.' I sung softly, my voice husky, the tears filling my eyes. I didn't even know what song I was singing. I just remembered it. 'Cause I don't want leave without you buried by my side.' Somehow, Oblivion knew it too and joined in,

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