Chapter 2~ 5 weeks, 2 days

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  • Dedicated to All my beautiful followers <3


I highly suggest you all follow Diamondwaters7, she is my beautiful editor and has made an awesome start.


I followed him, a little wary at first, but as curiosity got the better of me, I followed with a little more vigour. It was interesting and scary at the same time. I had no idea where I was and from what I have gathered, there was no way to get back. Yet although it frightened me, the excitement of what was happening drowned out any other feelings. Maybe it wasn't excitement, maybe it was worry. But the distraction from normal day to day life made me feel a little relieved. I had gotten bored with going to school, coming back home, playing golf, eating then sleeping. I snapped out of my worthless thoughts and saw that the towering black walls were closer than ever.

He was leading me towards them.

"These," he started with a monotone voice as we reached them. How did he not find this as intriguing and...unreal as I did? "Are the walls," he continued. "No way to get under them, over them or around them. We've tried every way possible. Nothing works, these things are crazy strong." He gave the wall a quick slap. It was as hard as a brick wall and you couldn't see anything on the other side.

At closer inspection, I noticed the wall was made up of many blocks about a square metre each. If I stood next to two of them, one on top of the other, it would be about my height give or take about 35 centimetres. "Are you sure?" I asked, curious to see what these walls were capable of.

"Yeah, we are. Don't question our findings, kitty."

"Silver," I growled. "It's Silver."

He rolled his eyes and continued a bit further north with me dragging behind. My eyes were glued to the black material. Everything about them was fascinating.

"Have a look up there," he said.

I glanced upwards to where Halo was pointing. There, resting on top of the wall was a giant digital timer. Technology out in the wilderness? How does that add up? Where was that thing getting electricity from? Through the walls? On the screen, numbers stood standing in pride. It read:

3 : 4 : 14


"3 weeks?" My eyes travelled across the ominous-looking numbers. "What does that mean?"

"You really think I'm going to tell you that?"

I squint my eyes at him and asked something else. "What did Boss mean when he said he needed me to win?"

"We know enough to see that behind these walls are other teams and we have to kill them to survive. Survival of the fittest. Boss said that to you before."

"Kill?" I asked with uncertainty laced into my voice.

"We'll train you."

"And if I don't want to murder innocent kids?"

"They aren't innocent" he replied, eyes boring into mine. The simplicity of the answer bothered me. Anger bubbled in my chest. He turned around again and walked off, beckoning me to follow.

Reluctantly, I continued on moving away from the wall and into the forest. The terrain changed into desert again. No transition, just a quick cut. I stopped walking suddenly and bent down to examine the change. I felt the merciless sun beat down on my neck. I touched the ground. A beautifully clean cut between grass and sand. It's as if there was an invisible line cutting the two completely different terrains from each other.

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