Chapter 5~ 4 weeks, 4 days

337 16 19

Actually not edited lol


'Mines! Fun places to be around when they're lit up. Not so fun when they're dark so that's why we have flashlights on our hats' Boss was talking soothingly. He passed me an orange hard hat with a flashlight on the front, 'We need to hurry before it gets dark again' Together, as a small group, with our pickaxes, swords, backpacks and hardhats we shuffled forward into the cool, damp cave. It was quite magnificent really; the walls were rough and rocky, completely natural and stretched ahead of me in a circled cave. On some of the walls were minerals, little bits of colour splashed here and there. Our helmets beamed plenty of light for us to see,

'Careful, you don't want to slip and hurt yourself down here. Bacteria and stuff' Pepper called from up front. I was lagging behind with Oblivion, who walked by my side. We walked onwards, our footsteps dulled by the solid rock beneath us

'Where are we going?' my voice cut cleanly through the silence. Ahead of me, the single cave split into two

'it's easy to get lost so we're starting simple for you. Someone will stay and teach you in the most mineral filled part of our mines while the rest of us' Boss paused for a second for emphasis, 'will split up and explore those new caves. Once we split up, we're split up. No point in trying to meet up again, mines are just too difficult. Leave the mines whenever you please, as long as it's before dark. Meet us at camp.'

'Whose gonna show her around?' Pepper said quietly,

'Not me!' Halo cried almost immediately, stepping away from me, 'that little bitch ran the first time I tried to teach her anything and nearly got herself killed, I don't want to be responsible for her slipping and hitting her head in some freak mining accident this time'

'Thanks for your belief in me' I muttered, offended,

'Boss?' Pepper asked, 'I can't. I already suck. It would be awful it I tried to teach her'

'I kinda don't want to...' Boss trailed off with a glance at Oblivion,

'Oh thanks!' I cried, the offense now seeping through my tone,

'What!? You don't wanna mine with me?!' Oblivion cried right back, with a mockingly similar tone

'No!' I whined, 'I didn't mean it like that!'

'Fine. Be like that! I won't show you a thing!' Oblivion winked subtly, turned and stalked away down the left lane. I laughed. It was a tangible moment, the hiccupy thing bubbling from my mouth before I could stop it. It lifted my mood, my spirit and my moral sky high. I took the hint and followed him down the darkened cave

'Looks like they're best friends now' Halo murmured while I disappeared into the tunnel

'leave them be' Boss replied snappily.

Oblivion didn't speak; he jogged forwards through the cave for a while. When he stopped we were in a giant open space with minerals and ores everywhere you looked. The rocks were all jagged and there were several openings to other tunnels and caves inside in the walls. In the corner of the room was a dozen or so buckets

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