Chapter 3

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A/N: First of all, I suck at the beginning part a lot. I literally thought how I should start this chapter for 20 minutes straight but I guess that's okay?Anyways, good readings!

Picture Cr: @ lupaskodasa7703 on Pinterest

A normal life has always been a thing for humans. For some, it was having 9-to-5 office job with a car and a house. For some it was travelling the world, meeting new people and eating different kinds of food. But the normal life- their absolute dream- would be a world without all of the supernatural beings. A peaceful world without Kibutsuji and the demons. Sure, other beings can be a pain in the ass too but, with demons being gone, most of their workload would be gone as well.

Still, the Demon Slayers Corps' saviour always wanted her children to have the previlege of being a normal teen. Going to a cinema, hanging out with their friends, having significant other(s)... But being a slayer always came with a big price and there was no exceptions. Even though their situation isn't the most decent one, she knew that everyone was grateful that she was trying her best for them to have a little tiny bit of that normalcy.

"So... Talking about feelings makes teenagers blush?" she asked with curious eyes and a head tilt.

"Huh huh... Yes, totally!That's why they don't like talking about it!"

"But feelings are supposed to be nice... Why love something if it makes you uncomfortable?"

At the innocent question from the woman, the trio looked at each other as if saying "Welp, what do we say?" You see, the powerful and tough nut of the Corps doesn't have a decent understanding of human emotions. She was deprived of them: Love, care, sadness, happines, the butterflies in the stomach etc. She never knew those emotions as a result of years-worth torture from the abomination... the creature of the night.

Still, with the helps of her dear children through the time, she started to give soft and loving smiles to people. To repay for everytime they showed her kindness and patience and each time, they would get flustered since a great leader was kneeling before them, forehead touching the ground and uttering her kind words. But they never missed: her smile never reached her eyes... that there was a huge hole that couldn't be filled no matter what.

"A-ah y-you see, Oyakata-sa-"

"It's mother or at least Akahana-san for you, Kanata... You sound so formal..." she whined while pouting a little, turning to her right side. Seeing her pouting was a shock to them since that was another new emotion to see on her face. They smiled at the thought of her having new feelings and let it pass.

"A-aah yes.. right! Of course...! So you see Akahana-s-san, teenagehood is the beginning of a new chapter of human life where you explore yourself so talking about this can cause-"


At hearing the piercing pleas of a familiar burgundy-haired boy, everyone leaned over to see what was going on.



"Ahh, that feels nostalgic... Have I mentioned Sumihiko reminds me of your ancestor a lot? Maybe less sleepy but definetly the same."

"And you, Kanata, are more like his wife. Always calm and level-headed... Now that I look at you two again... It creeped me out a bit..."

"Mother, you're creeping Genya and Kanata nii-chan again..." Rui giggled at their horrified state and hit their knees softly.

"Well, I'm pretty... old... I CAN TELL YOU THAT ONE TIME WHEN I CAUGHT THE-"

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