Chapter 4

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A/N: Hi and hello with another chapter! I hope the story isn't boring any of you since I'm trying very hard to both explain Akahana a bit and build up the events. If any of you have recommendations, I'm all ears! And I would be happy to see and include your ideas such as family chaos or fluffy/angsty times with others! Anyways, I talked so much again, soooo happy readings!

A day that started with joy and smiles, turning into a dark and lonely, waiting around a hospital bed was so sudden. Bad things do happen and when they do, it's always when you don't expect them at all. Joy, turning into despair and apprehension...

That was exactly what everyone in the Corps and anyone who was close to Akahana felt. All of her uniform alongside with her haori and accessories were gone, her front open just slightly so that Shinobu could examine her and cool her fever down even just a bit. Most of the times, Hashiras and and many people wouldn't understand what she feels since she just has dull, dead and blank eyes and fake smiles all the time. But this time, whether it was God or other beings watching them from above, they could swear that she was suffering a lot. Whimpering and turning from side to side on the bed were enough symptoms. Her hair was sticking to her forehead, her lips were slightly dry and her face was so pale that Aoba and Shinobu couldn't help but think that she was dying.

And they had every reason to think like that. When she let out a small whimper with closed eyes and they saw her body turning into a light shade of blue, they immediately thought the worst scenario. In between all of that chaos, Hakuji immediately took her in his arms and run to the Butterfly Estate alongside Shinobu who was trying to contact Yushiro while Genya tried to find his brother to let everyone know and Kanata and Aoba was trying to calm a very terrified and scared Rui down. Seeing his mother collapse in front of him was too much for a little kid and as a result he cried himself to sleep, asking if something bad happened to his mother and if she would wake up.

But the ones who took the worst were probably her spouses. They all had just one thought: Our day actually started very peaceful...

Hinatsuru and Suma was in kitchen, preparing dinner and Tenma and Makio was outside training while their four chidlren were playing with each other and Ume and Gyutaro just came back from school, they were all peaceful with no worry in their minds.


"Don't shout at the house Ume... Maaan, why girls are so loud?" exclaimed Gyutaro while rubbing his sore shoulders after a long day of school. He took of his shoes and looked at the pictures on the walls. The classic awkward and embarrassing baby pictures were all around the home. Ume with a hairpin in her hand, trying to put in their mom's hair while being visibly flustered since she couldn't do it; he himself being on his mother's lap while getting ready to have his first steps towards his father and having scared and tearful eyes looking at the woman that was holding her...

"Maan, I told them to not to hang this one... They really want to embrass me, huh?" Even though he was grumbling, this picture could be one of the only one who he cherishes the most since it really was the proof that his mother was starting to show what she feels. She was looking at him with soft eyes, even if she had her mask on he just knew that she was happy while guiding him towards his father.

" Welcome Gyuu-chan, Ume-chan! Go change your clothes, wash your hands and come help us, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah of course mom. Ume, come here and change from your sweaty clothes before you hug them." said Gyuutaro after petting his four younger siblings' head and giving them a smile, not caring of Ume's screaming contect. When he started to move, one of the youngest and probably the one who loved him the most, Asumi was clutching his pants, wanting to be lifted.

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