Chapter 12

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The two demons and Hashiras stood there like that one meme of spider-men while trying to find a way to respond. They both gave side looks at each other while past-Yushiro was trying to attack them.


"Sanehiro, I'm scared..."

Sanehiro swung his arm off to make Giichi back off from himself while pointing a katana at him.

"Look at me you simp, we just saved you and her and that's what we get?! I don't kow how Oyakata-sama lives with you on her tail!"

"Oyakata-sama? You mean the Demon Slayers' Corps? I don't..."

Giichi sighed and tugged at his hair while looking around nervously to see if anyone heard what happened in the alley but to his surprise, there was flowers all around them, blocking the view.

"This is my Blood Demon Art. The things we need to talk about is way too much for us to talk here so please, follow us."

"But Tamayo-sama-!"

"They're good people, Yushiro... Even though they know we're demons, they didn't kill us. We at least owe them a chance to explain themselves..."


The duo was following the demons in front of them with a big space in between while also talking with each other.

"How do we know Yushiro will not kill us? He looks like he's ready to throw punches at us."

"We don't."


Giichi looked bewildred for a second while looking at the unreadable face of his comrade. He readjusted his sword one more time when Sanehiro turned to look at him.

"Don't you remember Oyakata-sama's words? She said that he cares about her a lot but if there's a person who he cares about more than her, It's Tamayo-san. So be careful when you talk to her, and don't ever ask her age..."

"If you want to die at some uknown place in an unknown time, that's your choice though."

Giichi felt a shiver run through his body at what he heard. How the hell does she live with a threat like him?

When they come face to face with a wooden wall and saw that they went through it, they looked at each other to weight their reaction but two men shrugged their shoulders and also walked through the curtain-like wall in front of them. As soon as they entered, Sanehiro let out a whistle while smirking to himself.

"Well now I can understand where Oyakata-sama learned these kind of stuffs. Impressive..."

Giichi absentmindedly nodded his head while holding his stomach in pain. Tamayo looked at him in worry and opened the door quickly to let them in, after getting inside herself. Yushiro, on the other hand, had other plans.

"Listen carefully. Don't you ever try to ridicule her-"

"...ask her about her age, don't sit close to her, don't try to touch her so freely. We know, now move aside! He's about to faint because of the pain!"

Without a care about Yushiro's sharp eyes watching him, Sanehiro swinged Giichi's arm over his shoulder and opened the door, leaving it open for Yushiro to enter. When they sat foot inside the house, a neatly done bed and a bunch of prescriptions and anotomy posters welcomed them. The place smelled like medicine but it was still obvious that a demon was living here by the smell.

"Please lay him down here and sit on the chair next to it. Your wounds don't seem bad but I still need to treat them."

"Wait, Tamayo-san! I wouldn't want you to use your sources on me when I can easily heal myself... How could I forget, please give me a second."

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