Chapter 8

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Warnings: Spoilers for Akaza's past, kinda smut ahead, kinda BDSM(?), fingering, kinks, teasing and my bad attempt at writing smut so bare with me. I promise I'll make it better lol

If you are uncomfortable with reading smut, don't read after Akaza/ Hakuji's past.


"Do you see yourself unworthy of my love?"

At his mother's innocent and somewhat simple words, Hakuji couldn't help but lower his head shamefully. His stomach was twisting and his heart rate sky-rocketed because of the stress of where this conversation was going. He didn't know what to say to her either, to the woman who took him in and raised him as her own. What am I supposed to say to her so I wouldn't anger her? Is she even angry at me? She never gets angry but... would she go as far as kickin-

"Oh, don't get me wrong though. I'm not angry, I just want to know what's going on inside that head of yours."

Hakuji snapped his head to his mother who was munching on her dangos sweetly, holding her cheeks in delight while humming a song she heard from Asumi. He looked up and down at his mother a bit uneasily and leaned back on the bench they were sitting. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and finally spoke to his mother.

"Are you not going to... I don't know, get angry?"

"Why would I? I knew you were with Koyuki. I guess, I need to go to them and thank them for every time they took care of you, though. What was her favourite food-"

"Mom... Please don't try to hold the scolding off anymore. I know you're angry..."

At her son's little, defeated voice; Akahana slowly stopped eating and looked at her son. Even though she was able to see half of his face, she saw a single tear hanging on the corner of his eye. She slowly lifted her left arm to touch his face and to not to scare him. When Hakuji felt her soft touch on his face, he lifted his head and directly looked into her bi-colored eyes that held only one thing for him: A mother's love...

He couldn't help but shed tears even more and suddenly hugged her, clutching her haori and kimono hard as if he didn't want to let go, thinking that if he did, she would give up on him...

She sighed defeatedly and hugged him tight as well. She had a gut feeling that one day, something like this would happen. She knew since the day she said she wanted to take care of both him and his father. He wasn't as little as Ume, Gyutaro, Rui or Obanai when she adopted him, he was a young boy who only wanted to heal his father even if it meant pickpocketing and earning the needed money in dishonest ways. As his memeories from his past flooded to his head, he whimpered and little "Please, don't let me go.."s and "I promise I won't do it again..."s fell from his mouth.

At her son's painful words and sadness, Akahana also felt her heart being stabbed by an invisible knife and her eyes started to tear up. She gently pat his back as a signal to let her go but Hakuji only tightened even more and shook his head feverishly.

"Hakuji... I'm not going anywhere, I just want to look at your face while I'm talking."

He reluctantly let her go but held her delicate hands in his in a tight grip. She then looked at him again while the night breeze blew their hair and its coolness would be a disturbance for most but for them, it was a reminder of how they first met...

It was a day that could be considered as normal for the most part. Even though the sky was covered with clouds, it seemed that nobody cared about it at all. Normal civilians were outside for the most part, running around for errands. Everyone moved on with their lives, accompanied by the happy cries of little little children and the screams of sellers to sell what they had. Although they knew that demons moved comfortably at night, the presence of the Demon Slayer Corps, led by a strong and reliable person, relieved them a little. Although most people didn't see the leader in person, Akahana wandered amongs them without them noticing. Seeing no need to hide herself, she stopped by various vendors with only a mask on her face to satisfy her son Obanai's needs.Her old friend Urokodaki also wanted to tag along with her to get his students' needs, even though he insisted that they were only his students which was an obvious lie, she still didn't break her old friend's request.

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