Chapter 6

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A/N: Hello everyone! First of all, I'm sorry if I kept you all waiting for the new chapter( I don't know if somebody regularly enters here or quotev to see whether I uploaded or not but... yeah)
Anyways the reason why I was so silent is just because of my hellish school. I'm an 11th grade and I have too many lessons to revise since I didn't understand anything from online class, plus this years subjects are hard as hell.
By any means, that doesn't mean I'll no longer write. Writing and reading are the only things that make me happy so I'll continue this story but updates will be slow.
I currently started the 10th chapter as well so I'd be so happy if you followed me on here, quotev and wattpad as well. Don't forget to comment what you think and let me know!
Take care of yourselves bubs!

When she saw the first peeks of the sunlight, Akahana cracked her head a bit and stretched her legs while looking at the clock. She put her book on her table and went to the door that was seperating her room and the garden. "It's 7 a.m and Hakuji isn't home..." she tought. She frowned at her son's behavior and after briefly looking at her schedule, she went to check her family and to prepare breakfast.

When she opened her children's room, she couldn't help but chuckle at them while rubbing her face.Toiya was clutching his owl plushie and his feet were out of his bed but the girls were the ones who made her cold heart melt. Asumi was laying face down while her bottom was out and she was also on her knees. Her other 2 sisters were also on her bed and while one was sucking her thumb, the other's foot was on her head and they were snoring softly. She entered their large room and went to wake her son up since waking him was less troublesome. She pulled the duvet off of him and brushed his ebony hair away from his face.

"Toiya-chan... Wake up, dear. It's already morning, come on..."

He stirred in his sleep, mumbling a little. His mother shook him a little bit more and he finally opened his doe-like eyes. After blinking a few times and finding his way to sit on his bed, he looked up at his mom and smiled whole-heartedly. He then, hugged her arms and muttered a "Good morning, mom" to her. She kissed his head and tickled him a bit. After laughing a little together, she got up from his bed. When he was walking out of his room to wash his face, his mother stopped him.

"Dear, can you also check your mums and dad? Waking this three is gonna be hard... If you want, you can try to wake them."

"But mother, they, especially dad, sleeps like... uh... like a..."

"Rock? You mean rock, son?"

"YES! That was the word."

At his son's still sleepy voice and face, she smiled and pointed at the garden.

"Then, after you wash your hands, how about looking at your flowers? I heard that you planted new flowers, no?"

As soon as her son heard his mother's suggestion, he nodded his head enthusiastically and ran to the bathroom. She looked a little bit more after he left the room and sighed a little at the scene in front of her. She then, started to shake and kiss her three daughters' faces while urging them to wake up. The first one to wake up was the black haired and big, black eyed little girl who resembled her other mum. As soon as she realised the one who woke her up was her dear mother, she immediately lunged towards her and hugged her chest tightly.


She brushed her black hair back and kissed her forehead, giving her a sincere "I'm sorry." She felt a little pang at her chest when she mumbled a "Don't wowy..." into her chest. These past days have been so busy for everyone and the presidents didn't make things any easier as well." I guess I shouldn't have exposed the Corps..." Akahana shook her head at the thoughts. "I already deal with enough of their bullshits..."

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