Chapter 5

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Picture CR: wuya on Twitter

A/N: Hello there! I hope all of you are okay! Since I didn't want to make author note so long in the last chapter, I wanted to make one here. Since the children have more than one mother, they call each of them different.

"Ma" is for Makio, "Mommy and/or Mom" is for Hinatsuru, "Mama" is for Suma and "Mother" is for Akahana.

"Can any of you explain why she hasn't eaten OR slept properly for a long time or do I need to make it more obvious?"

Yushiro's sharp and harsh voice rang around the room but he wasn't entirely looking at the four people that are in the same room as him. He was busy trying to get the leader of the Corps cool off and make her comfortable while changing the wet cloth on her forehead. And since he wasn't particularly focusing on them, he couldn't see their puzzled states. Four of them just stared at his bak blankly and Tenma was the one to voice the thought on their mind.

"What do you mean? We... always eat together and even if we can't, she always says she eats..."

As soon as they locked eyes, Tenma understood that his wife indeed has been lying for some time.

"I knew that she can be quite convincing but did you really believe in her?"

Tenma and the wives all sighed deeply and rubbed their faces while trying to ease the tension on their shoulders. They all were looking at her as if asking Why do you do this to yourself?

Even though he can be harsh and dislike human contact, Yushiro kinda had a rough idea of how difficult this marriage can be for the four of them. Their wife not talking and sharing what troubles her out of fear and not wanting to burden them causes some fights here and there. So, he started to talk without looking at them so much.

"I know that this marriage can be hard for you. I also know that you want her to share her burden but that's not something that can happen so casually. When she is ready, she will tell you her story but... you need to be understanding and not question her feelings."

They knew that. Of course they did... The strong leader of the Corps didn't have an easy life. Every slayer and even the ordinary people knew that being born into the Ubuyashiki family comes with a great sense of responsiblity and hardwork. And it's not only about the illness or her being busy all the time, talking to presidents of the countries, making deals and dealing with their sometimes stupid questions.

They knew, yet the thought of their lovely, strong and awkward wife not sharing anything with them made the insecurities blossom in their mind...

They would try helping her in many different ways. Hinatsuru would always volunteer to prepare food and help children as much as she can with the help of Suma, Tengen and Makio would offer to train some of her students for her and Suma would always accompany her on her walks and bandage her injuries but... They all have wanted just one thing: Her letting them carry her weight...

"But how much longer can we do this? We may not know anything about her past, but we are smart enough to know that it's bad. We just want her to..."

"... trust us. We want her to be open to us as her spouses... That's it, Yushiro-san."

When Tenma cut his wife's sentence and looked at Yushiro harshly, an angry mark appeared on Yushiro's forehead and he started to poke his forehead while angrily scolding him.

" Ah... So you think she doesn't trust you, huh?! Well, let me say this: If she didn't trust you or love you, she wouldn't have married you all!!"

"Oi, Yushiro-san that's enough! You are going to make him bleed!" said Makio while Hinatsuru was trying to hold her, knowing that what he is telling is true. Yushiro didn't listen to her and continued to poke his head

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