Chapter 7

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A/N: Hi everyone! Just a quick note. In this story Mui and Yui are still little kids( around 7-8) so obviously I couldn't make one of them the Mist Hashira but I decided to make their father one! Though, I couldn't find his name since it says "unnamed parents", I made up a new name, with it being Hikaru( meaning "Shining Brilliance")

"Bro I'm telling you: The next person that walks outta my life, I'm gonna go with them! I'm sick of this ass as wel!"

"That's the fifth time you're telling this..."

"What the hell are you trying to say, huh?!"

Sabito tried to jump at Haizaki, only to fail because of his friend Giichi's attempt of stopping him. Makomo was sitting away from them, eating with the Flower and Insect Hashiras. They could only sigh angrily at them but Makomo suddenly threw a pebble right at Sabito's face and caused him to dramatically fell to the ground, holding his cheek.

"Well deserved! Good aiming, Makomo-chan!"


"We are, you idiot! But you're forgetting where you are! We are at Oyakata-sama's garden and she could hear you!"

Sabito and Haizaki immediatelly paled and got silent. The female Hashiras smirked in victory and continued to talk quietly.

"Do you think we should give Oyakata-sama some dangos? She loves them so I think that shouldn't be a..."

Kanae couldn't finish her sentence when she saw that one of her fellow Hashiras, Iguro Obanai, walked through the Gates with dark circles under his eyes. It was obvious that he, and probably Mitsuri, couldn't get enough sleep and he looked like he was about to crawl and sleep on the ground right then and there.

" Iguro-san... You look terrible."

"Thanks, Kocho. It'd be much better if you didn't point out the obvious but yeah."

Shinobu only laughed at her friends misery with his children while her sister was scolding her to not to say things like that to a new parent. Their tsuguko Toko offered some food to him but he rejected, saying that he had a little lunch with his family. One by one, every other Hashira and their tsugukos came to the meeting and you can guess what that meant: More chaos.

"How many people dumped you by now? Five? Or I dunno 10 maybe?" at Sanehiro's loud laugh and his other friends laughing, a big angry mark appeared on Sabito's face and he tugged at Sanehiro's hair harshly.

"Look who's talking! You can't even confess to your crush, you no-eyebrows!"


Sanehiro's hand was on his katana the second Sabito mentioned his crush on Kanae and was ready to pounce on him when a soft but half angry voice spoke out.

"Shinazugawa-san, please don't forget that you are in the humble house of Oyakata-sama and think before you act."

When Tenma heard his son's voice, he immediatelly checked him since he knew that his mother was up all night. He then went to his side and pat his back.

"You look sleepless, Hakuji... Where were you last night?"

He scoffed and turned his head sideway. This way he wouldn't have to look at his father's face and face with his shame. Tenma looked at him sternly and softly grabbed his neck and turned his face towards his.

"I'm your father, Hakuji. You don't get to act like that. Your mother was up all night and she will probably want to talk to you. I don't know what happened but know that we love and care for you."

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