Chapter 15

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"I wish we could stay like this forever..."

Akahana hummed slowly at what her husband said and yawned loudly, snuggling against his chest. He cooed at her and kissed the crown of her head, kissing her eyelids and cheeks later. It was these kind of moments that the young- actually old- Ubuyashiki Lady could breathe and stop her fast-paced life and enjoy her family. She often felt guilty since she couldn't be around for long, and if she was, she would deal with the reports and other business, ending up not having enough time for her dear family that she held at high regard. She felt like she was missing so many things in their life, in her children's life and she thought they would hate her for it, the thought only breaking her heart even more, the heart that she recently started to feel...

But there was no way that they could hate her for being their hero, for protecting them and their family. The kids often boosted themselves up with being her children, always talking about her and how cool she was, not that Akahana knew. They would always greet her first, hug her happily as they told her about their days, and ehat if she had less time than a normal mother?

They could savor the time they had anyways.

Makio nudged both of them to give attention to her as well and they both chuckled at her. The ever tsundere she was, Makio once again didn't outly told what she wanted but the lady knew her the best. Akahana put her hand on Tenma's chest, leaned over the broad and bulky man and kissed the tip of her nose, both snuggling against Tenma while looking at each other lovingly. The sight of his two wives looking at each other with pure love as they snuggled to him, and expanded that love for him too, was what made Tenma so emotional yet happy to be alivr as he caressed both of their hairs softly when Akahana spoke.

" No need to whine, darling. You have all the attention on yourself now~" Both him and Akahana laighed tessingly as Makio grumbled and hit her arm playfully, not that it could hurt, as Tenma was watching them fondly before he heard one of his wives come home from picking the kids up from school.

"We've got visitors, sweethearts. Let's get up!"

They both stood up and Akahana helped Makio get up as well, making her blush and put her hair behind her ear. Akahana smiled at her and pulled her to her side while walking out the door to greet her childrsideShe smiled at seeing all of her kids excitedly talk about their day to their mother, making hand movements and all the other things that made Akahana swoon and coo. Asumi, who was undoubtedly the most extroverted child one could see, ran at her at full speed and hugged her mother's legs thightly as she looked up at Akahana who also leaned down and stared at her lovingly.

"Mama, we home!"

She chuckled at her daughter and bent down to pick her up. As soon as the little girl was in her mother's embrace, she hugged her neck while blowing kisses to Makio who smiled softly at her and pat her head. Ever since she and her twin was born, it had sort of become a tradition for her to crawl towards them and give each of them a kiss. She might be almost 6 now, but the love she held for her parents from day one was still the same.

And they couldn't be happier and prouder of her than they already are, by showing her feelings.

While they basked in the affections of their daughter, they didn't realize the item she was holding but Tenma noticed that his precious little girl had rosy cheeks and was holding a card that had way too many hearts. With suspicion and a heart that skipped a beat at the sight of his family, he took her in his arms and swayed her slowly, just like he used to do when she was a baby.

"Princess, what's the card you are holding, hmm?"

At hearing her husband say this, Akahana leaned over his shoulder and looked at what was written on it , which made her giggle amusedly at the wobbly, familiar handwriting. "I believe our girl has started to capture hearts at a young age! Like father, like daughter!"

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