Our Normal Life

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Xiao Nai POV

I step off the elevator into the home after a long day at the office and I am greeted by the two munchkins running towards me with excitement. "Daddy you're home. Pick me up," as little NiNi raises her arm. I scoop her up and she rewards me with a kiss, "I love you daddy." YangYang holding onto Wei Wei's hand grabs my leg and tugs me down for a big hug, "daddy!! Come play with me."

"Okay kids, let's give daddy a few minutes to change. He just got home. Go play in the playroom and I'll call you for dinner," Wei Wei directs the kids.

The kids run off into the house with excitement. "Hello sweetheart. How was your day," as I kiss Wei Wei. She responds back, "good, normal nothing exciting. Your parents called and let me know the beach house was ready. Do you think they'll be fine with the kids?" She ask as she follows me into the bedroom.

"I know you're worried, but the nanny will accompany them and you're parents are going to join them at the beach house too. There will be five adults to 2 kids - they will be fine," I try to reassure her. We bought a beachside villa last year and this will be the first year that the family can enjoy it all summer. Due to my work schedule and Wei Wei's charity commitments we've decided to send the children to the beach house with both sets of grandparents and the nanny at the start of the summer and we would join them in a few weeks. "Sweetheart, the kids are going to love being on the beach all day and it's better for them than in Beijing in the summer," I tell her.

Wei Wei is reluctant to be away from her babies as this would be the longest time apart. We've only ever been away from them a few days when the kids had sleep overs at the grandparents house or if we had to attend a business function for a few days. She hesitantly says, "I know you're right. My parents are looking forward to it and it's so great that both grandparents have become good friends."

Wei Wei helps me untie my tie and remove my suit jacket while I change and say, " they will be fine. Everyone will have a great time," and kiss her for reassurance. She smiles and says, "come out when you're ready. Let's have dinner and settle them in early. You're parents will be here early to pick them up."

After dinner, I play with the kids and this is my favorite time. I become a police officer or super hero or whatever other cartoon characters the kids want me to be until Wei Wei tells us it's time to wash up for bed. Wei Wei's voice comes down the hallway, "Children, let's go wash up now." The kids hide behind me, giggling, "daddy, hide us."

"Where did the kids go?," Wei Wei plays along as she sees their arms and legs protruding from my sides.

"I have no idea. They were just here," and the kids find this to be so much fun. They giggle and come running out towards their mother. Wei Wei smiles and takes them to get ready for bed.

I think back in wonderment that it's already been five years since we've been parents, seven since we've been married, and ten years since we have been together. Life has been filled with so much blessings.

After the kids go to sleep, I pour us a glass of wine to unwind from another day and Wei Wei says, "it'll be weird when the kids leave in the morning. But they are both so excited."

I give her a big reassuring hug and kiss the nape of her neck. It's terrible of me, but I'm also looking forward to being home with just Wei Wei too.

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