Play Time

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We enter our penthouse apartment and I still can't get over how quiet it is without the children home. WeiWei and I are scheduled to leave in two weeks to meet up with our parents and the children at the beach villa, but tonight I've decided to enjoy the empty home and my wife.

"Will you have a glass of wine with me?" I ask WeiWei and she says, "let me change first. can you pour me a glass?"

As I'm pouring a glass of wine, WeiWei steps in wearing a black satin robe loosely tied around her waist. "I am feeling parched and I think I'll have some orange juice instead," she says. I hand her the glass of juice and wrap my arms around her. The smooth texture of the satin turns me on more. 

She senses the tension building between us and takes a sip before kissing me lightly on my lips. I hold her close and kiss harder while opening her lips with my tongue until we meld into one. My hand skims over her satin robe and untie it to expose a naked WeiWei. Her eyes are wanting as I explore Weiwei's smooth porcelain skin. Her robe drops to the ground. I lift her naked body onto the counter and kiss her neck and suck on each pink nipple, caressing each supple breast as I lay her down on the cool granite surface. WeiWei is splayed on the counter as I continue kissing and licking down to her taunt abs. WeiWei pulls on my hair as I blow lightly on her center and she moans quietly beneath me. My mouth devours her center licking and sucking on her clit as WeiWei's moans grow louder until she reaches her peak.

I lift WeiWei off the counter determined to bring her to bed and continue having my wife all night. We ricochet and crash into the walls in route to our bedroom when she breathlessly says, "Baby, I can't wait. Let's do it here". As I lean her against the hallway wall, she wraps her legs around me and I kiss her hard and contemplate taking her against the wall. I penetrate her with my digits and moans softly for more. WeiWei is so aroused for me, her center is wet and I know a swift slam against the wall would satisfy her.

"Not so fast sweetheart. I am going to have you all night." I tell her.

WeiWei's eyes shine with desire and leads me to the bedroom quickly. She pushes me onto the bed and pins me down with her body as she removes the remaining clothes off of me and our naked bodies slides against each other. WeiWei continues to hold me down with her arms as she slithers down my body passing my chest, abs and right to my cock.  I'm already aroused and hard and standing at full length. WeiWei captures the full length into her mouth and moistens the shaft with her tongue. Her sucking grows more powerful as her tongue expertly licks and travels up and down my shaft. I grunt underneath her and cry out her name.

"WeiWei you're going to unman me," I moan beneath her. She looks up at me with moistened lips and doesn't look away as she sucks me harder.

I feel myself building, but I won't let her finish me like this. I pull her up and flip her on her back swiftly as I center myself against her core. Her eyes grow big as I slam into her tight entrance hard, harder than I wanted to, but I can't control myself. 

"My dear WeiWei, your blowjob and the long foreplay is making me insane. You make me insane being the most gorgeous women ever and I've been imagining things to do to you all night." I grunt as I slam into her again. She moans as I continue inserting in and out of her. She splays her legs wider and I'm able to go deeper into her as I circle her clit with my thumb. WeiWei starts to constrain me, but I won't let her orgasm yet. I lift her legs over my shoulder and slow my pace as her screams with heavy breathing, "Xiao Nai...... Baby..... don't stop..... please, even harder, please" 

WeiWei begs for more and I want to satisfy every fantasy I had over dinner. I flip her over onto her stomach and pull her to the edge of the bed forcing her onto her knees.  I lean over onto her and kiss the back of her neck as I lick from her shoulders to her small pert ass. I run my hands down her perfect ass and hold her hips to position myself. WeiWei and I moan in unison as I push into her. She screams and collapses onto her arms her hair is flowing and messy and her eyes are glistening from pleasure - she is so sexy and I continue to worship her as our orgasm builds. I feel her core tightening again and her breathing quickens as we both explode together. I collapse onto her and wrap my body around her as we stabilize our breathing.

"That was amazing my dear husband." She says to me

"I'm here to pleasure you anytime," I tease back.

"I have some news for you as an award for your excellent performance," she says, "I'm late."

I'm shocked and respond, "really? So soon? Does this mean..."

"I called the doctor today and she said it's still too early, but to come in for a check-up and blood test next week before we go on vacation," she says

I hold WeiWei tight and tell her that I'll take her to the appointment. I am so happy and wish that she's pregnant already, but I know it took us many months with the twins and try to keep myself from celebrating too soon.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier. I would have been more gentle with you," I smirk.

She pounds my chest for teasing her and nuzzles in closer as I hold her tight.

"I love you WeiWei"

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