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The lunch room felt different as I walked through it alone. April looked at me and so did Sophia. They weren't sitting at the table I was walking to though. They were actually sitting with a completely different group of people. That group was still well known around school, but they weren't in the same lane as Harvey.

"Welcome, Nova!" Edith sprawled her arms out as if she was inviting me to heaven. "You know Noel, right?" I nodded. "He's my cute boyfriend." He then pulled her closer to his chest as I took a seat next to her.

The items on my lunch plate were repulsive and I usually would have swallowed it all down by now. Sitting at the same table with all the people we talked about weeks prior took my appetite away. I was even too afraid to look away from my milk carton.

"Hey," Harvey greeted while taking the empty seat next to me.

I simply smiled before pushing my tray away. "Uhm, this is weird." I motioned. "I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. You guys are idolized and Edith and I-"

"Are not worthy of our friendship?" He chuckled. "I'm a person like you. We're on the same level. At least I think we are. I don't look down on anyone." He rested his chin on his palm as he talked to me. "You aren't the first girl who came to me thinking they are less than. That's what is weird."

Did he not know he was beautiful in every way, shape and form? Did Harvey Donnis not see himself as astonishing as everyone else saw him?

"Do you even have any insecurities?" This question made him lean back a little in his seat.

"No," he answered simply. That is all he said before getting up and leaving my area to go sit at the other end of the table with his friends.

My eyes just so happen to land on Kit who was looking back at me with a straight face. I didn't know whether to smile or look away so I did both.

Edith eventually turned her attention to me and gave me a side hug. "I have a secret to tell you." She knew I was listening even though I didn't say it. "Noel and I are going to have sex soon. I need you to come over after school and help me."

"Help you what?" I say in confusion. I didn't know a thing about sex aside from what we watched as kids when we were playing around. I've never been in a position to even have sex.

"Learn a few things." Her eyes were telling me that this was serious and I knew she was just as inexperienced as I was. No matter what Edith did, I always wanted to be there for her.

Without another question, I accepted to her request.

I watched as Kit took a quick glance at his surroundings before jogging away from his car to go across to mine. I found it weird how he hasn't talked to me all day but suddenly has the urge to.

"How are you?" He cheesed casually. When he realized I wasn't going to respond to him, he frowned. "I'm glad your day was amazing and I'm fine, Nova. Thanks for asking."

"You ignored me at lunch, barely said two words to me during class, and now you want to act like we are on good terms?" I scoffed before turning to face the other direction.

Of course he jumped in front of my face the moment I did. "There's a difference between ignoring you and having nothing to say. Also, last time we talked in class, we ended up missing very important notes that were for a grade." I didn't want to admit that he made valid points. "Plus, it's hard to talk to you with Harvey breathing down my neck."

"Does he like me? It's hard to tell if he likes me or he wants to hump my brain."

Kit let out a natural laugh before shaking out his hair. "Oh, you're too funny. To be honest, I don't know. I do know that if I liked you then it would be easier to answer. Harvey and I usually act similar around girls we like." I squinted my eyes at him. "Depending on the girl, it's different reactions."

"Okay, jerk. Then answer this. Is Harvey acting weird or normal?"

Kit looked down at his shoes as if they were about to get up and dump him. When I was about to repeat myself, he looked over at me. "A question for a question?" I sighed before motioning for him to continue. "Is it true when a guy likes a girl she suddenly develops feelings for that guy?"

"It's never happened to me. Then again, no guy has ever liked me." It was embarrassing to admit but I had to be honest.

"He's acting weird." That's all Kit said before giving me his softest smile and walking back over to his car. "I'll see you tomorrow, Nova."

The moment Kit got in his expensive car, Edith finally came skipping out of the building. I've been waiting for her for over thirty minutes and it was getting ridiculous.

"Change of plans!" She frantically approached me. "I'm getting a ride with Noel right now and I need that advice this every moment!"

"What?! I would have done some research while I was standing out here if you would have told me earlier!"

"I'm so sorry, Nova. I couldn't escape the wrath of his friends and their obsession to talk about sports!" We both pulled out our phones to scramble through websites that gave the best advice. "Oh God! Do you think I would have to go down on him?"

I gasped while taking in the information on this site. "Says here that if he goes down on you then you have a higher chance of reaching satisfaction." I showed her my screen and she quickly took a picture of it with her phone. "And it also says to wrap it up no matter what."

"Yes, please. I do not want to be a mother at seventeen." I chuckled slightly. "I'm reading here on how to perfect my arch." She turned around to arch her back then sighed. "I'm so flat! Let me borrow your ass tonight!"

"Edith!" I cackled.

"Edith!" Another voice said over me. We both turned to see Noel waving her over to the other side of the lot next to his car.

Her face went from playful to nervous and I knew she was mentally freaking out. "Just remember that telling him this is your first time is not the end of the world. If anything it will make him be gentle and you two will have a nice connection to learn what you both like."

She smiled before embracing me like this was our last time seeing each other. "That's really what I needed to hear. I'll call you later tonight." She skipped away to prevent keeping him waiting.

I, on the other hand, quickly closed out of all of these tabs so I wouldn't be caught off guard next time I opened my phone.

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