twenty five

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Book 2 : Just A Girlfriend [PUBLISHED]
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. five months later .

It was the third night in a row that his roommate seemed to not sleep in his own bed. Kit hated having to scrape him off the floor near the entrance door just so he could get to class on time. He didn't pay twenty grand a year to be a babysitter.

He stretched out his arm muscles and prepared to drag Michael back to his own bed but when he left his small room, he noticed there was no body by the front door to drag. "Where the hell did Michael go last night?"

"I'm right here man!" Kit turned to look towards the small living room area and saw Michael blowing cigarette smoke out the window. "I never thought you'd one day be so concerned for me."

Kit rolled his eyes while straightening up his posture. "Are you going to show up to history or should I not wait up?"

Michael laughed while flicking the cigarette butt out the window. "I'm dressed!" He motioned towards his plaid pajamas and grungy T-shirt. "If we hit it now then we can beat the rush to breakfast."

"I wasn't actually planning on being valedictorian. It's just something that happened. I actually never studied a day in my life, seriously. I don't know if everyone in that school was dumb as rocks or I was just that smart." Kaitlyn looked at Michael while twisting her hair. "Michael said he wasn't surprised. He knew his wife was excellent."

Watching these two feed each other and boast about their high school relationship days was apart of Kit's daily routine. He got used to it by the third week and knew how to mentally filter out what's important and what's not. In other words, he was never aware that she was talking.

"Well, Michael and I should get going. We don't want to be late... again." He tapped his wristwatch while pushing himself up from the small round table. Michael gave Kaitlyn a kiss before stumbling out of the cafeteria. "How long can you keep it up?"

"You can't just break someone's heart that you've known for years. First love is a bit more difficult than that. You wouldn't understand." The last sentence made Kit want to turn around and go scream in his pillow but he had to brush it off. "Have you even had a girlfriend? So far the only person you talk about is your sister."

Kit sent him a cheeky smile. "She's the reason I'm transitioning through college so well."

As they walked across campus, the view of the parking lot wasn't so far off. Kit wanted to see if his car was still intact since hazing is going around and peoples cars are getting keyed or mirrors stolen. Instead, he sees a couple of fancy road buses parked in a line which raises his curiosity.

"What's with the buses?"

Micheal looked over and started chuckling. "A bunch of future freshmen doing a university tour. I remember when I was one of them. It's required for Oregon schools but those nice ass buses are most likely California's taste."

Kit simply brushed it off since it was no big deal what was going on around campus unless it was baseball practice or getting to class. He and Michael continued their walk inside and said their greetings to a few friends along the way.

"I'm going to get a water from the vending machine!" Michael jogged away and left Kit in front of the classroom all alone.

He played on his phone for a bit as he waited for the teacher to arrive and let the students in.

"This is our lecture building. It is where most lectures take place depending on the subject. Like right now we have history and English lectures taking place at this hour." He looked up to see the back of a girls head and a group of high schoolers nodding and walking along to whatever she said. "Can anyone tell me what they plan on majoring in?"

"I actually want to be an English major!" Some guy shouted through the small crowd.

"That's perfect. This is actually where you will be spending most of your time then so get a good look around." She turned around to keep walking and her braids lifted off her shoulders slightly to match her movements. Kit wasn't really paying close attention but he wanted to see what was going on. "Most people like this lecture room because it's the biggest and it's like the leader of all the smaller at ones."

After listening to her talk long enough, his eyes looked directly at her face to see if she was cute or not. Instead, he saw her face and almost choked on air. "Teshia?" He barely muttered out as she walked by him.

The sound of her name caused her to look over her shoulder at the person who said that which so happened to be Kit. He couldn't tell if she remembered him or not by the way she simply smiled and continued the tour as if he said nothing at all.

Kit felt stupid for even have said a thing. No way the girl he loved and hadn't seen since middle school would remember him. Especially after the way he left her.

"I got you one too!" Michael jumped on his shoulder practically as he tried to hand him the water bottle. It was something Kit needed since his mouth was sucked of all moisture. "You okay?"

Before he could answer, the teacher came walking up and the students groaned as he unlocked the door. "Get over it you wads. You have your whole life to be surrounded by people who are going to teach you. You taught yourself right now not to show up ten minutes early to my class."

Book 2 : Just A Girlfriend [PUBLISHED]
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Just A Crush (BWWM)✅Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin