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Jealousy is a reflection of insecurity. When I see girls wearing sleeveless tops or tops that show too much stomach, I do grow jealous. I wish it was me who could leave the house and not pick out each and every aspect of my body. Most girls at this school don't have that problem. Therefore they have open friendships and honest relationships because they live without worry or fear. As for me, I'm about to be late to class because the sleeves on this shirt suddenly look to short.

"What are you doing?" I jumped when I saw Edith's reflection in my mirror. "Classes are about to start. I just came to make sure my mascara wasn't dripping." The sweater dress she wore for the cool fall breeze looked amazing on her. I heard she went shopping with the girls a few days ago. I was invited but had to babysit Andre. Edith was not the one who invited me.

"You look really pretty, Edith." She sent me a sincere smile from her reflection. "How is your relationship with Noel? We haven't talked in... forever."

Noel's smile faded as she screwed on the cap to her mascara. I watched diligently as it appeared her entire day went down the drain. Was it my question or the fact that we haven't been close lately?

"Noel and I are doing amazing." She forced a smile on her face before quickly turning to face me. "I heard you are wearing Harvey's shirt for the first game this weekend. That's weird because you only showed up to their last practice to support him. Or were you there for Kit? It's hard to tell these days."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her attempt to low blow me. I don't know what's gotten up her skirt but I surely didn't deserve the attitude. "Yeah. I went to the game to support the guy I'm talking to and my friend. That's what good people do. They support each other and check in." Edith rolled her eyes. "I text and call you all the time and you don't even think about responding. You haven't talked to me like a human since you've been dating Noel."

Instead of responding right away, she adds another layer of lipgloss to her already glossed up lips in such a haste. "Saying 'hey' and 'hello' is not checking up on a person. They're merely even an attempt."

"What else should I say to someone who doesn't acknowledge me in the halls anymore. You're friends with freaking... Sophia!"

"She's actually a really nice person!"

"Who told you to go kill yourself and called me an elephant? That's a nice person to you?"

Edith chuckled. "You've gained weight over the summer, Nova. Let's not act like it wasn't noticeable." When her snotty smile turned into her covering her mouth with her hand, I knew there was no going back from this. "I- I don't know why I said that. It's not true, Nova. I just wanted to... I don't know why I said that!"

"I guess what's done is done." I grabbed my bag off the counter and rushed off into the hall where students scattered about trying to make it to class. Of course my next one would be with Kit and I look like I had a cat who died.

"Hey, Nova." Rudy draped an arm around my shoulders which was weird because she never touched anyone but her guy friends. "I don't know if you look worried or sad? Can I assume both?" I didn't feel like hearing her constant jokes to be pulled. If I could sink into the floor tiles then I would. "That wasn't a smooth way to start off this apology but I do want to say sorry for how I acted towards you these past weeks. That joke I made was uncalled for and I do agree. It was inappropriate."

I couldn't help but smile at how sincere she actually looked. "It took you two weeks to apologize. It must have really been eating you up."

"Oh, man, it was. I remember Kit's shameful face like it was last night. I knew that if he thought I screwed up then I really did screw up. Last thing I wanna do is hurt Harvey's girlfriend!"


"Oh, crap! He didn't ask you yet?"

I can honestly say that I went into shock right there in the hall. To make it worse, the marching band was headed down the hallway right in the middle of the day. Were we having a pep rally to top off the nonsense going on around this school?

"Great! Didn't want to miss it!" Kit beamed while taking his stand right next to Rudy.

"Miss what?" I managed to squeak out.

All Kit did was point his finger to the group of baseball boys swinging their bats in front of the band and tossing baseballs in the air. Followed right behind him was the color guards swinging white flags around like a concert was happening right in front of our eyes. The band and the boys went on while the color guards stayed. Just then, Harvey turned the corner and walked right down the middle of the color guards with a poster rolled up in his hands.

The sound of a drum in the distance signaled the color guards to turn their flags around and words just so happened to be on the back. Each one turned their flags as the drum went on and I was reading it in my head the entire time. "Nova... will you be my girlfriend?" I gasped at Harvey who sprung open his poster at the exact moment I looked at him. "And accompany me to homecoming..."

All eyes landed on me as the hectic noice quieted down and we were left with nothing but teachers monitoring us from down the hall and the balcony to the upstairs.

A million things ran through my mind but the most important one was how I couldn't say no. It would humiliate him and it'd be a slap in the face to all his hard work. If I said yes, then I'd have no choice but to follow through and ride this thing out until it eventually just doesn't work anymore.

"Yes?" I said a bit unsure of myself but it sounded more like I was too excited to speak properly. That was all it took for everyone to scream to the top of their lungs and Harvey to embrace me into his long arms. What shocked me even more was that he actually picked me up off the ground!

"So glad you didn't say no," he sighed as he put me down. "That would have been really bad." His voice deep and smooth that suddenly I wasn't so sure I should have even considered saying no.

"I'm shocked you even asked me? We've only hung out alone three times. Once after your last practice, once at your house and the other just two days ago."

Harvey chuckled. "Hung out? Nova, those were dates. You literally ate dinner with my parents last weekend."

"Oh?" My mouth fell open when it hit me. "Oh! My god! I had no idea! I've never-" Should I really sit here in front of Harvey, Rudy and Kit and say I've never been on a date? Wasn't that obvious already? Maybe they think I'm a lot more appealing than I really am. "Sorry, it took me a while to process."

Rudy nudged me with her elbow to get my attention off being embarrassed. "Want to go homecoming shopping with me and Kit. Harvey isn't allowed to see the dress."

Harvey frowned at her. "That's not it. The boys and I always look for tuxedos together." This made Rudy mock him. "She's trying to make it sound like I have morals similar to a man on his wedding day. I'm just saying that she isn't being truthful."

I chuckled. "Then why isn't Kit going?"

"I don't do homecomings," he chimed in. "April and I never were dating around the time they came up so I didn't bother."

"I'm going with Sierra. It's a couple thing basically." Rudy smiled.

All I heard was that Kit and April were constantly on and off which resulted in him not enjoying something as nice as homecoming. I wouldn't know if it was nice or not because I didn't go either. Edith and I would usually watch romance movies and wish that it was us falling in love. She got her wish this year.

"You should still come, Kit. You can enjoy this night with your friends." Harvey actually agreed with me. "And when a slow song comes up... Mrs. May's husband is on a business trip in SoCal." I winked.

Rudy's jaw dropped. "I knew you thought she was hot but not hot enough to have a steamy affair with. I knew Kit was interested in teachers." Kit removed himself from the group when Harvey and Rudy started teasing him a bit more on the situation.

I didn't want to be late for class so I stayed standing outside the door. The color guards just started leaving the hallway which left a clear view of Edith and Noel talking to another group of people across the hall. I knew she saw it which was why she avoided eye contact with me. It's why she was avoiding me.

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