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I sat here and wondered if I was the only person confused by what I was watching. I felt ashamed to wear this jersey while completely unaware if we were losing or winning. All I know is that the baseballs Kit was throwing looked deadly and they were headed straight towards a crouched guys head. Every time the batter missed, I thought someone's head might get smacked off.

After three tries, Kit walked off his base and started ringing out his wrist. I wasn't sure if he was hurt or stretching. Could be both. People started moving around on the field while I tried desperately to keep up.

"Popcorn?" Sierra asked me as she and Rudy returned to their seats. I declined the offer since I was too stressed to eat. I wanted to be supportive but a Latin brunette next to me seemed more focused on talking then watching. "Harvey is going to step out there the home runs will be endless."

"So we're winning?" I ask while looking at the score board. Rudy gave my knee a tight squeeze. That's when I noticed that it was bouncing up and down hastily. "I'm sorry. I just know Harvey is going to ask me questions about his performance and I have no idea what's going on."

Sierra giggled. "We don't either. Just cheer when they cheer and boo when they boo." I couldn't help but smile knowing I wasn't the only one who was lost.

Just as I brought my attention back to the field, I see Edith with Sophia's friends. They sat up front laughing and sharing food like they've known each other for years. Once again, I was invisible to Edith. The only difference is that now I knew why. She hadn't given me a real apology for the words that were exchanged last time we talked. I knew it wouldn't make a difference because she enjoyed where she was at now. The happiness that radiated off of her was all I could see. Was she ever happy with me?

"There!" Rudy pointed while jumping to her feet. "Yes, Harvey! That's my best friend's best friend!" Sierra then got up and started clapping with her. I had it in my mind that I would cheer every now and then but with Edith three feet away, I decided to stay in my seat. The only thing I could see was Harvey simply glancing our way then returning back to his focus. I hope he didn't see me looking like a nervous wreck.

After the baseball game, which I think we won, the girls and I waited outside the boy's locker room for them to clean up and get dressed. I'd say it was actually quite eventful and I enjoyed myself more towards the end.

I spent most of the time standing around to eavesdrop on Edith and her loud conversation with Sophia and her friend group. They had a lot to say as if they don't speak to each other all day and every day. I bet they have a group chat going on.

"We're getting dressed at Sophia's then heading to Harvey's house for pictures. My dress is really pretty, you guys are going to love it." I looked at her as she described the design on her dress with her hands. "Noel said the dress was made for me. It's a deep burgundy which really compliments my hair."

Did she just say burgundy?!

"Kit was throwing curveballs like it was nobody's business! I swear I saw it zig-zag once or twice." Erin gave Kit a nice pat on the back as they exited the room.

"Me? You're the one who caught that fast-ass ball mid-air!" The two started listing everything the other did that eventually lead them closer and closer to finishing the game. When Erin went to meet up with his girlfriend, Kit walked over to me with a sneaky smile on his face. "You might hate me, but it had to be done."

I groaned at his secretive behavior. "Just tell me. I'm already stressed out today."

"It's normal, I guess. These guys have been going to homecoming since middle school and they still act like it's their first time," he chuckled. "But anyway, this is not school-related or has anything to do with homecoming." When he smiled, I smiled because it was actually quite contagious. "I have a... present for you." My jaw dropped when he turned to dig in his duffel bag that was hanging off his shoulder. "It's for just being with me through this because I honestly wouldn't have spent any time outside my house if it weren't for you talking me into going to homecoming. I have had so much fun since then." Before I could say anything, he pulled out a long leather box and I already knew what it was. "I got you this bracelet to wear any and everywhere."

It was a charm bracelet with a baseball hanging from the center of it. I have never received any sort of jewelry from anyone except a pair of earrings from my dad as a way to amend our rocky relationship after he cheated on my mom. Other than that, I bought cheap jewelry online. "This is such a boyfriend thing to do." I laughed. "I bet you do this to all your potential girlfriends."

"Just the ones I actually like," he bluffed. I held out my wrist as he put it on and stuck the box right in my shoulder purse. "But don't worry about Harvey or anything. I asked him and he said he doesn't care as long as you don't fall in love with me."

Fall in love? This gesture not only made my heart flutter but I think my pupils are enlarging. "Of course. Why would I fall in love with... you? Texting and talking to Harvey this past month has made me realize how... sweet he is."

"That's good," he replied dryly with a smile. "Oh! We're going to Harvey's house to get dressed for the celebration dinner. It's basically all of us eating pizza and trying not to ruin our tux. That means we won't make it to the football game."

"I don't like football anyway." I smiled brightly when Kit agreed with me. Harvey came waltzing out of the locker room a while later and signaled that we should leave now. Rudy and Sierra hitched a ride with Kit while Harvey drove me to my house to get my things then back to his house so we could follow through with the plans.

Riding with him was a lot different than riding with Edith or anyone else. Edith and I always had a lot to say about everything. Even something as simple as a tree outside. Another person I have shared a car with is Kit, he loved cracking jokes, listening to music, and talking about how much he hates his coach yet would marry the man if he could. With Harvey, there was a lot of silence, holding my hand as he drove, and serious discussions about school work. I didn't know he took his studies as seriously as he did until I spent time with him.

"I've applied for ten universities. All of which have amazing baseball programs but I have no idea who to choose from. I got scouted from at least four of them so those are in my top five. My scholarship would be solely based on the sport but next is my grades which are up to par. Which one do you think between LSU and Oregon State?"

The question caught me off guard because I haven't thought about college or even knew what either of those places were. "I've heard a lot about LSU. I think I have a cousin who went there. She said it's... nice."

"But baseball-wise," he responded. "Which one do you think?"

When he pulled into his driveway, I was a bit relieved because that meant he wouldn't be talking to me until we left for homecoming. "I don't know, Harvey. I would have to do some research on it because I honestly don't know a thing about baseball." He turned in his seat to look at me which made me gulp. "I'm sorry."

"You're really attractive to me." The words escaped his mouth slowly but I had a feeling he was being sincere. "I couldn't believe you were single and when I learned that Kit was talking to you, it felt like an easy way to get to you. Kit is a really good friend. Always thinking of everyone's feelings." He looked down at my wrist and bit back his lower lip. "Always so generous." He then looked back into my eyes that were burning because I was scared to blink. "That being said. You don't have to apologize for not loving everything I love because it's not about having common interests. It's about having you. You having me."

The moment he started leaning in, I felt the urge to lean away but I was frozen in my seat. I wasn't ready to kiss him, but what better time than a few hours before we slow dance in each other's arms? I know that it hadn't always been in our gaze to hold each other, so I know kissing Harvey felt like such a left turn. I also figured that if anyone wanted to kiss me then Harvey would be a good place to start. Life could only get better from here, right? It was an invitation to learn something more about the guy I was suddenly dating.

His lips were warm, soft, and they moved against mine with passion. His hand was lightly wrapped around my neck and suddenly our mouths were open and my tongue was doing something it wasn't used to doing. Harvey moved a lot quicker than I could keep up with. I started counting the seconds that passed so I could have accurate information for Rudy when she asks how long did it last. Just then, Harvey pulled away while looking deeply into my eyes. He gave me one last kiss before unbuckling himself and opening his car door.

I looked at my palms that were super sweaty and shakey. "If we're together then there are things we have to do more often." I looked up at him and nodded. "That's one of them. I can finally say that I enjoyed kissing you."

"I- I enjoyed it too." His smile was simple but it also signaled that this was the end of the conversation. I could also tell Rudy that I have no complaints.

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