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I didn't look good in red lipstick, my stomach stuck out in tight dresses, and I couldn't walk in heels. My hair took forever to straighten, and my skin clashed with light colors in strobe lighting. As I sat in front of my closet, I figured complaining about all the things I can't wear would lead me to what I could wear. After a while I noticed I was no longer thinking, I was just staring ahead. I found that out when my little brother came into my room and I didn't even see him do it.

"You're weird," Andre snorted while fumbling with the controller in his hand. I looked his way, slouched over and a bit tired. "Mom said are you eating dinner. Salad and meat with macaroni." I shook my head while forcing a smile.

We never argued or even talked for long. I gave him an answer and he would leave. Sometimes if my mom didn't like my answer, she'd replace his presence. But no one came back which meant me not eating dinner wasn't a big deal.

It was around nine when I finally decided that a shirt and jeans would be as far as my brain could push me. Edith came over ten minutes later, crawling through my window with her bag of makeup. As usual, she looked amazing. Her black bustier top was cut off above her navel and she wore blue jean loose shorts that were cuffed at the ends. Her hair curled tightly and wildly tossed about.

"You look amazing!" She had the nerve to comment on my everyday wear. I might have looked amazing, but I didn't feel amazing. One look at her and you can tell she felt it all at once. The radiation from her face to her toes. Edith was one prepared abomination. "I think eyeliner and a nice blue blend eye shadow would go great for you."

She talked to me like what we had was new. Her voice softer than usual and her actions similar to that of a stranger. To sum it up, she was much nicer. We never talked about Sophia anymore and if I brought her up then she'd compare Sophia's bad traits to things she's done in the past. Edith really liked Harvey and she'd do anything to make sure she got on the good side of anyone he knew. Even if he didn't know she was doing it.

I watched how her hands delicately handled the brush that softly pressed its bristles against my outer eyelid. Edith looked like she knew what she was doing although I've never seen her put makeup on anyone unless it was mascara. Yet her face seemed to be professionally made. It brought me to believe she's been practicing and for some reason, I was proud of her. Learning new things is always a good thing. But I was also angry with her. She was learning them for the wrong reasons.

We left the house around fifteen after ten. We would have left earlier but my mom talked our ears off about Edith using my window instead of the front door. We took my car since Edith walked and within twenty minutes, we were at the party that raged in ways that would make a person believe it was a frat house.

Bodies scattered around every square inch of the lot. In good ways though, they were all standing upright. I stayed on Edith's heels as she confidently walked throughout the party like she'd been to a million of them. We never go to these things though. Just recently I started keeping up with the latest events that go down in our town. Edith complains about boredom and likes posts of classmates who are either drunk or high, maybe both. I figured this was a step up from our usual movie filled weekends. From the smile on her face, I knew this was a pretty good idea.

She led us to the kitchen where most of the drinks were being served. I don't drink and until ten seconds ago I thought Edith didn't either. Vodka was already in her system and it was now my job to make sure she didn't get hurt or worse, drown in Harvey's huge pool. I went from being her best friend to her babysitter and it was not a problem for me.

Her red cup hit my chest and the cold chill of diluted alcohol splashed on my shirt. She laughed it off, but I found nothing funny about getting a lecture for smelling like a liquor store that exploded in my face. "Are you not going to get a cup?" I shook my head as she took another sip. "It's really good." Her face scrunched up as she scrutinized the contents in her cup. "I think this has Sprite in it. I don't know. Some guy poured it for me."

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