twenty two

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I usually sat alone during lunch. I didn't talk to Kit, or Rudy and I definitely didn't talk to Harvey. They all had others to share a laugh with. I just wanted to finish my food and go to the library right after. I would eat in the library but ever since people started leaving their trash in there the librarians banned food and drinks. In the end, I didn't mind having a silent lunch. I would just text my mom until she grew annoyed with me and stopped answering then I would switch over to Andre in hopes he would get his phone taken during class.

My routine has broken its streak now that Harvey has filled the empty seat next to me. I told him what Noel said to Edith and he and I have been planning some sort of intervention for her. I know we aren't the best to try and sit down and talk with her but I don't see any of her other "friends" making the effort. Sophia literally takes pictures of them to post on her daily collage on social media. I think she's egging the toxic relationship on which is detrimental to Edith's insecurities. Though I've never known her to have any.

"I think I'm going to text Noel and let him know that the things he says aren't always the best thing to say to your girlfriend. He always listens to me." Harvey pulled out his phone and I quickly took it from him. "Now a good idea?"

I disagreed with his actions. "Not when they are sitting three feet away. We talked about inviting her to your house and talking. Something not so blown out of the water. Think simple." He nodded slowly while also looking confused. "But not today. I was thinking you and I could chill at your house alone. I was thinking about adding another thing to your list about me." Harvey then pulled out the notebook app on his phone. "Dates that are intimate. Where it's just you and I and no strangers."

"So my idea to take you on stage in front of a thousand people and salsa dance until your high heels break wasn't a good date idea?" I playfully punched his shoulder when he started chuckling. "I can do intimate. I like being in my room anyway. I'm also having a party on Saturday and would love for you to be my date. That means fetching my drinks and laughing at all my group jokes."

"I will not be fetching anything."

Kit jumped from one side of the table to the empty seat on the right of me just to make his presence known. "I heard party." His cocky smile made me smile in return while also catching the annoyance on Harvey's face. "You and I kinda sorta worked out our differences. I leave your girl alone and in return, you stop swinging on me every chance you get." Somehow he managed to make Harvey crack a smile with such a poor sentence.

I, on the other hand, was disgusted by what he just said. "You were never bothering me, Kit. It just... it got a bit weird is all."

"Weird as in you constantly think I'm throwing myself at you or weird as in you have a hard time saying what you mean without flipping the page every time you want to?" He and I stared at each other as we tried to read each other's faces but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he got under my skin. "Are you thinking of which side of the coin to land on?"

Harvey cleared his throat while collecting his backpack. I used this moment to look away from Kit and to the emptiness that was the lunch table. "So... Saturday, Kit. You and I will get the drinks as we always do."

"I won't forget because I never do." The two of them did their handshake right in front of my face just as the bell rang. Kit adjusted his fading blue hair while getting up to go to class.

"Allow me to walk you to class." Harvey held his hand out for me to accept and I did with a smile. We held hands as we walked down the hall which was actually a first since we've been dating which is three months now. Three confusing months with Harvey Donnis. "Things are iffy between you and Kit so if you don't want to show up to the party to avoid that then I completely understand."

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