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Who is this?

kit. your knock off redhead friend is in my history class
she gave me your number

Oh cool. What's up?
I'm trying not to get in trouble in art class

Kit Richardson:
well I'm bored in history

And I'm busy in art
About to listen to some music and throw my phone away

Kit Richardson:
are you one of those people who cant live without it?

Well I was born without one so I hope I can

Kit Richardson:
lol you're funny.
Get back to drawing stick figures

Excuse me?! I have talent

Kit Richardson:
i bet
talk later?

Im not attracted to anyone and no one is attracted to me. It'd be a waste of time if I even thought for one second I was girlfriend material. I never listen to people and I hate talking in large groups. Kit was boyfriend material and he's always making speeches where ever he can. Why would a guy like him possibly want my number?

The only time I get confidence is over the phone or when another distracting element is taking place. Like at the party, I've never talked to a guy like that before. It was definitely something in the air.

Kit was bored enough to ask for my number and actually go through with texting me. I must be entertainment to him.

Yeah... later

Edith has no time to greet me before I jumped on her case about the entire situation. "You gave Kit Richardson my phone number?!" She gasped at me. "After you told me to leave him alone, you do something like this? You're making me dizzy, Edith."

She raised her eyebrows then hugged her books closer to her chest. "I couldn't say no. His friends were around." Her smile was that of someone ditzy who just got knocked over the head and would fall into a coma.

There wasn't much I could do but breathe at this point. I completely understand why she would do it. Getting second hand rejected is never a good look for a guy or the girl second hand rejecting the popular guy. "So?!" I flail my arms. "What do his friends have to do with anything?" I continued my front.

"Imagine saying no to Kit Richardson," she deadpanned.

I rolled my eyes when we stopped in front of her locker. "Oh please, because stuff like that doesn't exist on planet earth."

She unlocked the green metal door and started shoving stuff away. "I mean, I figured since you guys are so close that it wouldn't be such a big deal." Her nonchalant shrug proved she had some inner tension she was avoiding to bring out in the open. "It surprised me actually. You know, when he said he didn't have it."

Her dark green eyes met mine and after that, I couldn't be mad at her. She's obviously suffering the aftermath of being turned down by Harvey so she's taking some of her hidden frustration out on me. I was used to it. After being friends for so many years, it's something I expect.

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