A foe turned friend, and a little lewd teasing

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??? POV
I sigh, I have been looking for a job for months. I look into my wallet. Ten pounds. Shit. Guess I'd better at least get one last food item. I walk down the street, my lee enfield slung on my shoulder. I walk into the supermarket, and walk to the dairy section, where I see a hellhound and, is that, a Jerry(1)? I stand there stunned, just staring. The hellhound seems to be able to sense my my staring. She turns around, and gives me a low growl, the Jerry(1) looks at her and asks.

Jerry: Umm, Loona? What's wrong?

Loona(?): there's a creep staring at us Y/N.

He turns and looks at me, and gets the same stunned look as I've got. Wait, why does this "Y/N" look so familiar? Did I kill him in a trench brawl? Did I shoot him with my machine gun? I look into his eyes, wait, is this, it can't be, it's the kid that wanted to save me from the howitzer that killed me.

Y/N: I know you!

Loona: You do?

Y/N: Yeah!

???: I remember you! You wanted to save me from that howitzer!

Y/N: Yes! I was leaning on the parapet during the Verdun battle, and saw him out in No mans land. He and I stared each other in the eyes as a howitzer shot, I yelled, apologizing for not being able to save him.

???: God, I'm so glad I finally get to meet you! I wanted to accept your apology, but haven't been able too! My name is Henry Dinhaltz!

Y/N: God It's nice to finally meet you!

He stuck his hand out, and I accepted. We started talking as if we were old friends.

Y/N: Do you have a job yet?

Henry: No not yet, apparently not many places are hiring.

Y/N looks at Loona, then pulls out, what looks like a brick with a screen.

Y/N: Hey Blitz! You looking for a accountant or some shit? You are? Good! I'll bring him to the office tomorrow! Bye! Congratulations Henry, I got you a job!

Henry: Really? You're so willing to help someone that you were paid to kill?

Y/N: Trust me, I've been having fucking nightmares about what happened. I've also been having guilt trips. It'll put my mind at ease.

Henry: Well, I'm sorry about the guilt.

The hellhound looks at us confused. She stares me up and down, and grips Y/N's hand.

Loona: I'm assuming you two fought for different nations?

Y/N: Yup! I'm a kraut!

Henry: and I'm a Tommy!

Loona: Tommy?

Henry: I'm a brit. I'm British.

Loona: I was guessing by the uniform.

Y/N pulls out a little card. He hands it to me.
I look at it, it's a address.

Y/N: Meet me there tomorrow at 7:30am! Loonie and I can take you too work with us!

I smile. He reaches into his wallet, and hands me a hundred dollar bill. I'm stunned.

Henry: I can't accept this!

I tried to hand it back but Y/N started sprinting away.


Loona and I look at each other and sigh.

Henry: Do you deal with this on a daily basis?

Loona: normally he's much calmer, though he's shy.

The kraut in hell (Loona x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now