Mistakes Made (AU) Pt. 2

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We walked. It was cold, so cold that this "Loona" was shivering.

Y/N: Are you okay?

Loona: I'm just cold, it's colder then normal.

Well, I guess I should be the gentleman. I grab out my greatcoat and try to toss it around her shoulder. She smiles at the attempt.

Loona: Trying to be a gentleman?

Y/N: Yes, yes I am.

Loona: Are all soldiers like you?

Y/N: No unfortunately, most of them are, but then there are the war criminals.

Loona: What?

Y/N: The laws of war?

Loona: What kind of laws?

Y/N: The kinds of laws that protect civilians and minimize casualties in a time of war.

Loona: And people break those laws?

Y/N: Yup.

Loona: Laws to regulate war must be really terrible to break.

Y/N: Yep, because they are often atrocious.

Loona: Like how atrocious?

Y/N: like slaughtering injured men like sheep.

Loona: Ohhh, that kinda atrocious. Eh, that's par for the course down here.

Y/N: Yeah, I can guess.

We walk, and get there. She pulls me inside past a upset looking demon talking into a brick.

Demon: Fucking shit, Stolas it's nine o clock, and I got a huge job to do tomorrow!

Loona: If you need me I'll be upstairs, I need to fucking de stress after today.

Demon: Okay Loonie have a good rest.

We walk upstairs, and she pulls me into what looks like a teen's room. I look around, and my Christian brain almost killed itself. Pentagrams were everywhere. I'm stunned. She sits down on the bed, and pats the spot next to her. I sit down. She looks at me and says.

Loona: I want to start by saying I'm extremely sorry.

Y/N: For what?

She sighs.

Loona: Well, I'm the reason you're dead.

What? What? WHAT?!

Y/N: You're what?!

Loona: I'm the reason you're dead.

Y/N: What does that mean?!

Loona: Well, I work as a receptionist for a assassination company, our targets are living world residents, People that fucked others over. We were hired by a guy to kill a German soldier with a name similar to yours. Instead of their name, I accidentally wrote yours on the file, and the guys killed you.

My brain malfunctions. I feel, anger, frustration, and most of all, pity? Why do I feel pity for the cause of my death? She sees my expression of anger, and frowns.

Loona: I can tell you're pissed, I'm really sorry. I know that doesn't fix what happened, but it's all I can say.

Y/N: I'm more then just pissed! I had a full life, and planned to live it! I may have been a soldier and probably have died anyways, but that doesn't change the fact I died in my Girlfriend's arms!

She frowns.

Loona: Anything I can do to make it up to you? When I say anything I mean anything.

Y/N: well, I need a job.

Loona: Consider it done.

She pulls what looks like a brick out, and taps it, then puts it back.

Loona: You're coming with me to work tomorrow.

Y/N: Ok.

Loona: Anything else?

Y/N: A place to sleep would be nice.

Loona: Right here.

She laid down, then patted her stomach. I gawk, and she just sighs.

Loona: Just do it for tonight.

Y/N:......fine, but only for tonight.

I laid down on her stomach, but apparently my head was too low. She pulled me up so my head was on her chest. She took my helmet off and set it on her nightstand.

Loona: Isn't this much more comfortable then the street?


It was, but I was now blushing from my head being on her chest. She started running her fingers through my hair, playing with it. It was very relaxing, and nostalgic. Angela would do this when I was feeling anxious, angry, or just wanted to feel loved by someone, god knows my dad wouldn't. I start crying again, and she notices right away.

Loona: Are you okay dude?

Y/N: I miss my girlfriend.

Loona: Oh, shit, I'm sorry man.

Y/N: how would you know.

Loona: What was she like?

Y/N: Nice, outgoing, caring, actually gave a shit about me.

Loona: Oh, now I feel really really bad.

Y/N: She'd do this whenever I was sad, angry, anxious, or even when I just wanted to feel loved, god knows my dad didn't.

Loona: What?

Y/N: My dad didn't love me.

Loona: That's really fucked up.

Y/N: I know it is.

Loona: Well, I, damn, I feel extremely guilty now.

Y/N: It was a mistake, I make em all the time.

Loona: But I'm guessing your mistakes didn't cost innocent lives?

Y/N: In my case? Yes they often times did, my squad mates.

Loona: What?

Y/N: Learning how to fight, I often fucked up, grenade throwing in particular.

Loona: Shit bro, that's got to sting.

Y/N: Yeah it does.

Loona: Why don't we sleep on it, calm down?

Y/N: Sounds good.

We fall asleep, I'm starting to calm down now.

Chapter End.

The kraut in hell (Loona x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now