𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 4

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"Let's go to a fair!!" Mikey yells to me from outside of my backyard.

"There's a front door, ya know?" I say and stretch my arms.

"There's a hole in your fence. You might want to fix that before Yumi runs away." He says entering my house casually as if he lived here. "Oh I know!We should go to a fair, Draken is taking Emma, and Takemitchy is taking his girlfriend. And I want to take my Ocean eyes!" He says, excitedly.

"A fair? No thanks, I don't do fairs." I tell him, and continue to sweep my floor.

"Whaaat? Why not, I really wanted to go," He whines.

"Then go, Don't make my absence stop you,"

"But...Fine, what are you going to do then?" He says sighing and plopping down onto the couch.

"I was planning on cleaning the house, dad's coming home tomorrow,"

"Clean? How booooring!!" He said looking around the house but stops when he notices something.

"Hey I've been meaning to ask you but why are all of the picture frames put down?"

"Don't worry about it, it doesn't matter." I reply hoping he leaves the matter alone.

"Okay, where do you want me to clean?" He asks, tying his hair in a low ponytail with one of my scrunchies that was on the counter.

"Can you wash and dry
the dishes?" I ask taking advantage of him helping.

"Right away boss," he says.

We clean silently and he sighs.

"If you don't want to do this just leave," I say, I was enjoying his company but i don't want him to feel like this, he's a guest after all.

"I'm just a little sad that I can't see ocean eyes in a yukata," he says and pauses to daydream.

"I've never worn one, and you'll never see me owning one." I tell him, crushing his dreams.

He gets a text.

He opened it and his eyes widened slightly.

"Mikey, everything alright?" I ask.

"Ken is getting ganged up on, downtown," He says. "Sorry, I have to go,"

"Didn't you say Draken was at a fair?"

"Seems like they are trying to seperate us. Shit, something big is going to happen." He says drying his hands and undoing his ponytail and shoving the scrunchie in his pocket.

"Gotta go, ocean eyes!" He yelled running out the door.

I could hear his motorcycle start and depart.

I was left alone again.

I finished doing what Mikey was doing.

I should help, but I don't want them to know yet.

Even so, someone could die.

I took a deep breath and ran up to change my clothes and I put on my running shoes.

I ran to where the fair was but I bumped into another crowd, I turned the corner before they could see me.

It was Emma, Draken,Takemitchy, and this one other chick who I assumed was Takemitchy's girlfriend.

Drake and Takemitchy were both seriously harmed. There was a body, hopefully still alive on the ground.

They kept telling the girls to run away but they didn't want to. I ran and jumped kicking the guy upfront square in the face.

"What?!" He yelled falling back.

"The backup is here!" Someone yelled behind me.

They were?

"Who the hell are you?" I ask them.

"We are Takemitchys friends!" One yelled and punched another guy by the jaw.

I took advantage of their sacrifice and went to Draken.

I took off my sweater and wrapped it around his abdomen where he was stabbed.

"Mirei-San? Why are you here? How did you do that?"

"It was a fluke," I lied, "I went to see what was going on because Mikey left so suddenly."

I tightened the sleeves to his back. He was putting an upfront face acting as if it was fine.

"Did you guys already call an ambulance?" I ask them, setting Draken down.

I'm checking his pulse, it's quite slow.

"Yes it-"

Sirens start making their way to our ears.

The opposing team runs off in fear. Leaving the injured teens with victory, thank god because it didn't look like they would hold much longer.

"We won!!" They yelled and high five each other

The girl with salmon pink hair put her umbrella over me.

"Thank you for coming," she said.

I nodded.

We all headed to the hospital on our feet, only Takemitchy was allowed on along with Draken.

When we got there Draken was in the middle of surgery. Takemichi was walking back and forth worriedly.

It's nice that he cares that much even if he just met them.

"Takemichi? What did they say about Draken?" I ask him.

"He's in critical condition and lost lots of blood, they said that if it wasn't for the jacket you tied around him it could have been much worse. So thank you!" He said bowing in front of me.

"Omg, get up you're embarrassing me." I say and help him up.

"Were you treated? I heard you were stabbed too," I ask him.

"Oh yeah, its nothing," he shows me his bandaged hand.

Mikey, Mitsuya and another male enter the room.

Mikey's eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of me.

"Hows Draken?" Mitsuya Asked.

"He's in surgery and in critical condition." Takemichi tells them.

"Draken is going to be fine, so don't worry about it, he wont fie this easily, " Mikey says with confidence.

Everyone felt reassured with his words.

He sat next to me, "So, what are you doing here?" He asks.

"I wanted to see what was going on, I ran into them on my way there," I told him, hoping he would leave it alone.

" you ran? In the rain? You could've gotten a cold." He says, bringing me closer to him.

"You did the same thing, so don't get mad,"

The doctor comes out after a while, "we managed to stop his life from ending."

"Yes!!!!" Takemichi yells happily.

I hear Mikey sigh and relax.

Everyone started leaving after hearing the news.

Mikey walked outside too.

I went to go find him and he was leaning next to a wall.

He stared at me with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry me like that Ken," he said and fell into my arms crying. I hugged him tightly, rubbing my hand up and down his back, comforting him.

"He's Okay Mikey,"

𝕺𝖈𝖊𝖆𝖓 𝖊𝖞𝖊𝖘 [Mikey]Where stories live. Discover now