Prologue ~ Part 3

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  • Dedicated to Rileigh

On December sixth, Kayleigh and I are released from the hospital. Though we are released, I don't want to leave Kyle. When the nurses finally let me see Kyle in person, and not just through dirty glass, they tell me that they have not been able to quiet him for more than an hour since he was born. I'm furious. My baby has been screaming for two weeks and they don't think to tell me until now!?! I go in with Kayleigh to see Kyle and the second I touch his little hand he stops crying. His big blue eyes just look up at me and whimper. Five minutes later, neither of us have broken the touch and I realized that this whole time Kayleigh has been gazing over at her brother and Kyle has been gazing at her. Never once did they look away. I take Kayleigh's little hand and guide it through the incubator hole. I help them hold each other's tiny little hands. Each only two weeks old and they both sigh once their hands touch. This is the most heart warming thing I have ever seen.

My mom tries to convince me many times to go home and take a shower and a quick nap but I won't hear of it. I am not leaving my little boy. This afternoon it is just Kayleigh, all the babies in the NICU, and I. A nurse then walks in and offers to hold Kayleigh while I took a shower in their back room. This is when I realize that I have been at the hospital for two weeks, gone through labor and haven't taken a shower since the morning I went into labor, two weeks ago. I must smell hideous. So knowing that I'll only be a room away (which is less than if I were to go to the bathroom), and be fast, I jump at the opportunity. Until I notice that I have no clean clothes.

As if on cue, Syrene walks in and tells me that she has packed me some just-in-case clothes in my hospital bag. Taking the bag from Syrene, I go to take a shower.

All within the next week Kyle has improved enough that we have been moved out of the NICU and into a regular room, and then we are released to go home! Finally, a month after my twins are born I can take them home!

Sadly we were in the hospital over their first Christmas since Kyle got released on December twenty-sixth, but at least Kyle got moved to his regular room on the twenty-third. There's always a bright side.


June sixth, 2018, I graduate high school! The twins are seven months old. Though Kyle was the one in the NICU, he is progressing faster than Kayleigh. Kyle can roll over, sit up, and crawl now. Whereas Kayleigh can only roll over. She's happy not moving around. Although she's been starting to scoot sometimes. Kayleigh can sit on her own too.

Also by now we know for sure that Doctor Marie's plan worked! I am so excited; not only do I now have two beautiful babies but my hormones are regular!

We're from a small town in Nevada called Gerlach. When I say small, I mean small. The overall population for my town is estimated to be 499 people.

Now that high school is over I have to do something with my life. So I am accepting a full ride scholarship to Nevada State University. The only problem is that it is just about as far as one could get in the state of Nevada from my home. My mom told me that she can watch my twins while I am gone. We created a budget for me so that I can afford food and the necessities I need to live on my own and still have enough gas money to drive home and back every weekend. I got a job over on campus that pays well and my board counts as part of my tuition. I have a stocks and bonds account set up for my college tuition from my great grandma. She set one up for all her great grandchildren before she passed.


The twins are ten months old now and I have to leave them for my first week of school at the university. This is really hard to do. I have to drive just over twelve hours to get there.

Finally reaching the university, I find that the way this school is set up is that each student has one class group that they stick with the whole time they're in this school. All the students in this class are going after the same major. My first day is a pretty relaxed day. My professor is really nice and my group has only ten students including me: four women and six men. I walk in, and being my shy usual self, I sit by myself at an empty table.

This perky girl then comes up to me, "Hi, my name is Rileigh. R-I-L-E-I-G-H. No one can ever spell it right. This is my first year here. I'm from California. What's your name?" And that's how I met my best friend.

Besides Rileigh there is one other person that stood out to me. He seemed to be a little shy but fit in quite well. Rileigh and I clicked right away. She was able to give me the lowdown on everyone there; no shocker there, considering how perky she is. This guy that stands out to me, his name is Michael. Apparently he is from the town right next to mine. This is sort of ironic since there are only ten students in this class and my town is on the opposite end of the state. Also because of how small the population is, I thought I knew everyone. I guess not. Michael has dirty blonde hair that are in loose curls. His hair is cut just above his ear. Loose curls are falling everywhere, but in a cute way. He doesn't have an Afro, just loose curls framing his face. He has the best eyes too. They're the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen. A person could just melt in those eyes. He has a tall muscular frame, and I notice a tip of a tattoo sticking out of the sleeve of his shirt. His face is round like but you can see his jaw line. He has a rounded nose, a small forehead, and fairly big eyes. Rileigh continued to tell me about him. I guess my facial expressions are showing more than I thought. She tells me how he's a big game hunter, which would explain the muscular build, and has a big heart for children. That's a big one that stands out to me as she tells me these things. An even bigger thing though, is that he is a Christian. I immediately develop this feeling deep inside me about him, but I try to ignore it. Come on, it's your first day of college and you already think you have the hotts for someone? I think to myself. Not allowed!

***When the first chapter starts, it'll be three years after this day.***


"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future."
~Jeremiah 29:11

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