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Dear readers,
I'd just like to publicly say that I have never been to Nevada and I have never been to the University of Nevada. I don't know what it is like or what the classes are like. This is just a fictional story, made up.
If you have been to Nevada before or to one of the places I talk about in the story and there is something that is too made up about it for you let me know and how I can change it. I would appreciate your comments. Any mistakes you find let me know and I'll go back to fix it. It bothers me when I find excessive mistakes in other stories and I don't want mine to be that wayside I appreciate any help I can get. I feel one of the best ways to grow and become a better person and a stronger writer is to learn from each other's mistakes.

I'd also like to dedicate the last piece of my story to one of my best friends, Rileigh. That is one of the few things that is truely real. Rileigh and I actually met like how it is told in this story. We have recently split appart, but I hope that someday, we will be friends again. I just wanted to take a slight moment to acknowledge her. She was always there for me, through thick and thin, Rileigh is understanding, a good listener, and always knows how to cheer me up. You're the best Rileigh.

~Country in the City author

Country in the City; Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now