12. Drama

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|Sofia's POV:The Next Day|

"Michael we just did it last night, this morning, and about an hour ago! I'm tired!"

"But you can't resist this." he pointed to himself.

I scoffed. "Why are you doing me all the time?"

"Because I have to start back going to the studio... today..."

"TODAY?!?!" I shouted. "When were you planning to tell your wife this?" I pointed to myself.

"I told you during sex!" He defended himself.

"Michael, you can't tell me important stuff during sex! I'll be in too much pleasure, basically in my own little world with only you and me. I won't be able to comprehend anything but your body."

"I knew you couldn't resist me!" He stuck his tongue out. I stuck mine out and he innocently kissed it.

"But baby I'm gonna miss you..." I pouted. He grabbed my face and kissed me.

"Awe, I'm gonna miss you too baby..." he walked downstairs holding my hand and leading us towards the kids door.

"Hey guys, daddy's gotta go to work ok?"

"Ok daddy!" They both said and hugged him. I began to tear up and pout.

"Awe it's gonna be alright baby." he kissed me and hugged me for a good minute. "Ok I gotta go..."

"Nooo..." I mumbled into his chest.

"Yes baby, I love you, I'll be back tonight ok?"

"Ok..." he gave me a final kiss before walking out the door.


The whole day I had nothing to do but watch tv, play with the twins, get scared of all the animals in the backyard when we played outside, cook, eat, eat some more, take a nap, get on my phone, eat and be board. It was getting late so I decided to watch tv and wait for Michael.

|Michael's POV|

Ugh, I can finally go home after completing one song and working on three others! I know the twin's are sleep but I wonder how my baby's doing...

I unlocked the front door and walked inside. I saw Sofia laying on the couch, sleeping like a baby.

"Awe!" I smiled, turned off the tv and picked her up carrying her to our bed and putting her down slowly. I got fully undressed, except my boxers and got under the covers with her. It's 3:00 am and I'm tired from working like a dog! I closed my eyes, only for them to open when I heard Sofia's cute sleepy voice.

"Hey baby!" She kissed me and hugged me, running her finger in circles on my bare chest.

"Hey." I smiled smelling her sweet sent and taking it in.

"How was work?" She breathed.

"Great, I got nice progress." I smiled proudly.

"Good cause if your cheating on me, I'll whoop your ass before leaving you..." she turned to the other side.

I popped her ass before grabbing her and pulling her close. "I love your crazy ass..."

"And I love your crazy ass..." she smiled and gave me a big kiss. "Good night Mikey..."

"Goodnight Munchkin..."

|The Next Day|

Getting ready to go to the studio, I felt something unpleasant in the air. It felt weird for a while.

"Good morning baby..." I smiled as I felt Sofia's hands wrap around my stomach. I turned and saw her puckering her lips. I gave her a good passionate kiss.

"Well good morning to you too." she smiled pleased with the kiss. "So your about to go already?"

"Yeah I decided to go early so I can come back at around 6:00 or 7:00 in time for dinner."

"Ok good, I'll make your favorite... what's KFC's number again?"

"207-555-4576!" I proudly resisted. Yes I know KFC's number.

"Ok well, I don't wanna hold you, actually I really do but go before I make you late." she smiled and hugged on our way to the door. We started kissing as I opened the door.

We were soon interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We turned to see him...

|Heyyyyy! New chapter coming soon after this! I love you guys! Smooches Mikestors😘|~Mikeyfanfics

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