2. Too late

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Sofia's POV~

"Sofia, I know you don't love me anymore but out of all people, why does he get you? I thought you were mine..."

"Michael, I do love you! I don't think I'll ever stop, its just that I need time to heal so we can be in a better place..."

"So you love me?"

"Yes I do and-"

"Sofia I love you, so much maybe too much, I regret everything I did, I didn't mean or want to break your heart. I had a restraining order on Lisa, and I even went on tv and told the public what I did was wrong and I wanted you back. I want you to be mine, I miss you..."

"But Michael you-"

"Yeah let's talk about me, I meet you and wanted you at first site."

"Yeah and-" Really you gonna just cut me off again?

"And I took a chance which you turned down."

"But-" *rolls eyes* really?

"But you got to know me and decided to take a risk which was dating me. Our love got stronger over the years and you trusted me. You trusted me enough to let me meet your parents and I did the same. Then that same night you told me you were ready, ready for me to take your virginity. After that we got engaged and married and our honeymoon was amazing and-"

"Ok I know I get it! What's your point?" We stood up. He began to walk closer.

"My point is, I'm the one who took your virginity, I'm the one who you had children by, Im the one who can't live without you, and you... you're supposed to be mine..." he said lustful. He walked closer till my back was against the wall. I miss him, his sent, his face, his everything. No, no, no, I'm taken!

"Don't forget, your also the one who broke my heart..." All of a sudden, he grabbed my face and kissed me softly. It felt so good, way better than Chase's!I missed it, I miss him... ugh why?

"Eww mommy and daddy has cooties!"

"Don't be silly, it was just a little harmless kiss..." he stared at me, with those big beautiful eyes. I am still shocked by the kiss.

"Sofia? Sooofiaaaa?"

"Huh? Sure that's cute..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Your face- Uh I mean nothing!" Get a hold of yourself! *Mental Slap*

"Sofia, I love you and I miss you Munchkin..."

"Well Michael, you're a little too late..."

"But Sofia-"

"Look, you really hurt me!"

"Yeah and I'm sorry I'll say it forever, I don't care how long it takes just as long as I get you..." awe! *Sigh* I do love him, but ugh! I don't know!

"Look Michael just give me some time, maybe I can forgive you and let you back in. This is a little overwhelming right now..."

"Take all the time you need. Can I get another-"

"Ummm... Nope!"

"Always worth a try..." he kissed my hand and hugged me. Ugh damn, his embrace is amazing. "See you later..." With that he disappeared out the door.

"Woah..." I sighed.


A couple of weeks have went by and now Michael drops off and picks up the kids, he sometimes comes in and talks while Chase is away at work. The kids really likes us together and I kinda do to... I told Chase about the kiss and now he absolutely hates Michael with a passion. I think I forgive him now but I'm still with Chase... Michael's coming for dinner tonight, requested by the twins.

"Kids dinner is-" Knock knock.

"Hey Sofia!"

"Hey Mikeybear!" I hugged him tight. "Umm I mean hey Michael..." I shook his hand and he bursted out laughing.

"You're so cute..."

"I know." I giggled.

We ate dinner and laughed and talked but then Chase showed up... here we go!

"Oh hell no! Get out! You have the nerve to come eat dinner with my girl! You out your mind right now!"

"Chase, don't cuss-"

"This mother fucker deserves it..."

"I said stop-"

"I know what you said damn!"

"Kids go to your room..." I said and they skipped to their room.

"Look here bastard, you don't need to be here with my fucking girlfriend and why the fuck did you kiss her?!?!"

"Because I still love, I will always love her and she didn't stop me so..." Michael says.

"Get out now!" Chase yells

"You can't kick people out of my house! You need to calm your ass down!"

"You need to stay out of this!"

"Really, you're the one who's yelling in front of our kids!" I pointed at me and Michael. "And by the way Michael is their father and if they want dinner with him, then they can have it, I don't mind..."

"Well he needs to go..."

"No you need to go, you ruined me and my kids dinner you just leave..."

"I'm not leaving, make me!" He pushed me.

"What the fuck you push her for?!?!" Michael ran to me on the floor.

"She deserved it and you, you deserve worse." I got up and slapped him.

"Get out..." I whispered. That must have brought him back.

"I'm sorry-"

"Shut the fuck up, and get the fuck out!" I yelled.

"Are you ok?" Michael hugged me and I just cried in his chest. "It's ok, I got you..."

After I was done crying, Michael decided to go, I really didn't want him to. I walked to the kids room where he was telling them bye when I heard...

"Daddy can you and mommy like each other again? I don't like teddy bear because he yelled."

"I don't know I like your mommy so maybe later we will like each other..." awe! " Goodnight kids..." they said goodnight and they came walking to me.

"Goodnight Sofia..." He walked to the door.

"Michael..." he turned around. "Please, d-don't leave... stay the night, with us."

"Pwease!!!!" The twins grabbed his legs.

"Okay, I'll stay..."

"Yay!" The kids said.

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