4. Sofia...

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Michael's POV~

Since me and Sofia got back together, I've been on cloud 9! I truly love this women! Her personality is amazing, she is herself around me and I'm grateful. I can't even believe I hurt her before, I didn't mean to break her heart, now I will never take her for granted. So I'm gonna write her a song!

"I was alone in the dark when I met 'cha... yeah that's good."

"You took my hand and you told me you loved m-"

"Hey babe, what 'cha working on?" Sofia walked in and put her hands on my shoulder then dragged them down to my stomach and kissed my forehead. I quickly flipped my songbook over.

"Just writing, what's up?"

"I love you..." She kissed my lips.

"I love you more..." I said in between kisses.

"I love you most..." She stuck her tongue in my mouth.

"I love you to infinity and beyond!" I giggled and sat her on my lap. "Babe, you can't be distracting me from this, it's important." I looked in her eyes.

"How am I distracting you?"

"Your voice, your face, and them thighs, lips, and that ass, do I need to keep going?"

"No.." she giggled and blushed. "I'll go play with the twins..." she left the room, what a beautiful sight... Ok back to work.


Finally I'm done in 3 days I have created song to sing to her, on stage which she has no idea about...

"Baby?" She called me.


"Is my stomach fat?"

"No, but your ass is." I chuckled.

"Michael I'm serious, I can't fit my favorite jeans and I feel fat.."

"Well you look fine to me!" I kiss her now rosy cheek.

"Michael, I-I'll be back..." she takes off down the hall and then I heard the front door shut. That was weird...

Sofia's POV~

I shut the door panting. This can't be happening!!! No no no! God why me? Why now? Why ever? I hate this for my poor Mikeybear! He's gonna be heartbroken when I tell him that I think I'm pregnant, but not by him, by Chase... I just realized, me and Chase didn't use protection because he seduced me right then and there.


"Sofia it's ok, he cheated, but I like you..."

"I know that, you're my friend!"

"But I'd like to be more than a friend.. plus it's been 2 months now, he's probably screwing more girls as we speak!" New tears fall down my face, he's right, I'll give him a chance, plus I've known him all my life so...

"O-Ok I'll give you a chance but please don't break my heart like he did.."

"Oh you won't regret what's about to go down..." he got on top of me. This is weird, I feel nothing, no spark, no screams, no nothing! Michael must've set the bar way high because just hearing his name makes me weak...

"Damn girl that was good..." he laid beside me two minutes later, wow, I use to think sex with him would be magical, it was horrible, and it is littler than I thought...

--End Of Flashback--

I need to talk to him about it...

"Michael?" I ran into his office. He's gone... To the bedroom I ran.


"Munchkin?" He said starring at me with only his boxer briefs on, laying on the bed.

"I have a big problem..."

"What's up?"

"I-I'm pregnant-"

"But that's great!" He stands up.

"But, I think it's not yours... I think it's Chase's...."

"W-what do you say?"

"I think it Ch-" I said on the verge of tear.

"Go to the car..." What? I do as told and he soon followed.

"Michael where are we going?" He totally ignored my question and kept driving. "Michael-"

"Just let me drive!" Wow, first time he raised his voice to me.

He's really angry, clutching the driving wheel, red face, and breathing hard. Damn, am I the only one who is ready to jump in his lap, not caring nothing about traffic?

We're at Chase's house, oh god!

"Get the fuck out here!!!" Michael banged on the door hard.

"What the f-" before Chase could finish Michael pushed him out his house and started punching him, and beating him up. Wow this is sooo hot.

"You fucked my fucking wife and got her pregnant!" He punched. After a while another dude comes and they jump Michael, awe hell naw, not my man! The fuck?

"Stop!!!" I yelled getting out the car but they kept beating him, my poor baby!

Then I felt hands on my waist and turned to see what I feared the most... Then I felt a cloth over my mouth and every thing went black.

Michael's POV~

"GET OFF OF ME!!!!" I yelled and neighbors started pulling them off. I go to the car, where's Sofia?

"Sofia?!?! Munchkin?!?! Where are you?!?!" Then I see somebody dragging her to a truck. I ran to them but I got pushed on the ground and the car drove away...


--To Be Continued--

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