5. Blue Gangsta

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Umm so Wolftyla is gonna be Sofia now, yep so think of Sofia as Wolftyla now👍

Sofia's POV~

I blink my eyes waking up, where am I? I try to get up but then realize I'm tied to a bed... what happened?

"Michael?! Where are we?!" I can't remember shit! How did we get here?

I heard a chuckle, but it's not Michael's...

"Who's there?" I gulp, I can't show weakness, they might take advantage of it.

Oh my god... it's fucking Lisa and Chase. What the fuck?

"Let me go you fucking bastards!!!!!"

"That's not gonna happen..." Chase laughed. This ain't no fucking joke, I know Karate, Jujitsu, I know every pressure point in the human body and worst of all Street Fighting, what do you expect, I went all around the world growing up! I lived in Australia, Spain, North Carolina, New York, need I say more?

Then I see Jermaine walking in, even though I still kinda don't like him, I'm glad he's here to save me.

"Jermaine, thank god! Please help me!"

"Sorry little mama, I'm with them..."

"How could you backstab your flesh and blood? You three are fucking stupid, you know that, why the fuck would you kidnap Michael Jackson, King Of Pop, Biggest star and entertainer, sweetest person in the world's wife?"

They laughed. "Girl you're funny and it's not only three of us-"

"It's four..." Came walking was fucking Chris Hudson! When did he get outta jail?!?!

"C-Chris," Be strong Sofia! "What the fuck is wrong with you dumb ass bitches?! I did nothing to any of you! Michael never did anything to you, why can't you just leave us the fuck alone, what do you want from us? dime la verdad! ¿por qué estás jugando con nosotros como este? es innecesario, yall infantil como mierda!" Let me calm down because I'm starting to become the hulk, with my short temper!

"Ooh I like it when you're feisty..." he licked his lips. He came down to kiss my lips but when he was an inch away I cocked my head back and spit in his face.

"Oh bitch, you're gonna pay for that.."

Michaels POV~
(1 week later)

"Michael it's been a week and I still can't find her, so what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to get every police in Santa Barbra, get the F.B.I, C.I.A, the president, get Jesus, anyone just get my baby back!!!" I yelled. I'm so angry, worried, but most of all afraid for her, my beautiful wife...

"Where's mommy? I want mommy!" The twins began to cry, I hate it when my family cries, I hate it when anyone cries...

"Shhh, daddy's here, now dry your eyes, don't cry..." I sat them on my lap and began to sing You Are Not Alone.

"Michael we're here, are you ok?" My family arrives and so does Sofia's shortly after. Kj and Cj ran to their loved ones. I've been crying all day but not in front of anyone, especially the twins. I miss Sofia, the twins miss her, we all miss her.

"Excuse me Michael, there's someone at the door."

"Thanks Rick."

"Hi, and you are?" I asked shaking the man's hand.

"Special agent Eric," he showed me his badge. Says he's been working for 27 years, police, security, military, and agent. Well damn, he must be the real deal... "Is it okay if I ask you a few questions?"

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