Chapter 3

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                                     Lina's POV

I pulled into the the place Ethan texted me.

It was a nice building and absolutely no one was here because there were no cars.

I walked to the front door still in my dark sage green suit with my laptop and the the keys.

As soon as I got inside, the smell of lavender and cleaning supplies filled the air.

I walked into the recording studio. It was nice.

There was a little table that has a coffee machine that I'll definitely use. There was a mini clear fridge next to it that had fruit in it. It was just a shit ton of kiwis.

I thought that was strange to have because if this is a shared studio why would they have that. Not everyone likes kiwis.

Why didn't they put pretzels or something? I mean what do I know I don't work here.

This place was fancy.

There was a huge couch outside of the place people would actually record.

I've been to many recording studios because my mom used to work at one and she taught me how to use all of the buttons and controls.

Was the only thing normal about her. Any other thing she did was fucked up.

And I'll always hate her for it.

I learned how to make up music on my free time, but I never sparked and interest in a job like that.

I guess I had a pretty good voice from what I'm told.

I decided to push off the writing for a few hours and mess around with the controls in the studio.

I remembered how to use almost everything.

I swear I could've made some random ass song, but I had to get writing.

Before I started writing I went to make some coffee, but there were only tea packets. I thought that was just as weird as the kiwis, but didn't think to much about it.

I mean who drinks tea over coffee?

Instead I ate some of the cut up kiwis, and called it my "dinner" since I probably wouldn't get home till later.

Once I started writing I got a good flow.

I had an idea of how I wanted to the show to end.

It had to be practical so it could flow with the next spin off. I also had to think about TVD and how that would effect the ending.

It's a long process of thinking and planning, but I had an idea coming. One that might make people angry but it was something.

I wrote for I don't even know how long.

I started to feel weak and tired.

I think I'll take a 30 minute nap and then get back to writing.

I set my computer down and stretched out on the couch.

Don't even ask me why there was a whole ass couch in this room.

I guess we'll never know.

I woke up but kept my eyes closed.

I tried to just relax and fall back asleep.

I whimpered and groaned a little because I was still  half asleep.

I kept shifting and moving my head.

How long was I sleeping for?

I rubbed my eyes and turned my head into what I thought was couch.

Feeling something I quickly turned back.

and when I slowly opened my eyes I swear I shit myself.

I was now looking at some guy with messy brunette hair and sharpest jaw line I've ever seen.

It took me second for my eyes to adjust and realize who it is.

I mean I've heard of him but what the actual fuck.

I didn't know what to do so I just stayed still for a second staring.

He didn't even notice my eyes were open because his were fixed on something else.

Why the fuck was my head on Harry Styles' lap?

Scared........ sorry this chapter was short but they'll get longer as the story goes on.

;) drink lots of Diet Coke

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