Flashing Lights

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So while I was writing my paparazzi Adrienette April one-shot, this idea came to me. While I didn't use it because I thought the one-shot I went with suited the vibe of the series better, I still adore this idea so I decided to write it here. Vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                              -Colorado


"Mlle. Dupain-Cheng! Mlle. Dupain-Cheng! Over here!"

"What are the newest developments on Hawkmoth's identity?"

"What are your plans going forward?"

"How have you been able to balance your superhero life and your civilian one?"

"What's the hardest part about being Ladybug?"

"Do you resent the account who posted the video of you transforming?"

"Have you been in contact with Chat Noir since the video was leaked?"

They were everywhere. No matter where she went, the cameras would find her and the questions with them. Marinette just wished she could escape them all. She was in danger, she knew that. It would only be a matter of time before Hawkmoth struck. Only a matter of time before she had to relinquish the Miracle Box. Before she lost all of her memories of Tikki or Ladybug or of Chat Noir.

Still, her time hadn't come yet, so she had to stand tall. Breathing out a breath, Marinette stood up in front of the park bench where she had been trying to design.

"We're still searching for Hawkmoth, but the list of suspects narrow every day. Until we bring him to justice, Chat Noir and I will be here to fight for you every day. Balancing my life between Marinette and Ladybug has never been easy, but supportive friends and family have made it much easier. Although, I doubt it'll be that easy ever again. The hardest part about being Ladybug is probably the responsibility and no, of course I don't resent the account. Although, I would like to be there when the police find them. And whether or not my partner has seen me since Tuesday is confidential. Any more questions?"

"I've got one! Wanna get away from here?"

Like a beacon of light, the crowd parted to reveal Chat Noir standing there in his leather clad glory.

"I absolutely would." Marinette smiled, a real smile, not the fake one that she was using more and more.

"Well then, Princess, your chariot has arrived." He said, holding out a hand for her to take. "Sorry folks, that'll be all for today!" He told the crowd before leaping off with Marinette in his arms.

"Thanks for the save, kitty." She sighed, placing her head on his back

"It's not a problem, m'lady."

Marinette closed her eyes, focusing on her partner's breath rather than the cries from the street below.

"You want to go back to the bakery?" Chat Noir asked softly. She shook her head. "Okay, then what about our little hideout? No one will bother you there."

Marinette thought about it briefly before nodding.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"Of course, bugaboo. And I bet the view will inspire some new fashion designs out of you."

"How'd you know I was designing?" Marinette asked with a smile.

"Because I know you, Princess."

"Yeah..." she said quietly, "you do."

"I'm sorry." He said in the same tone.

"What? Why?" Marinette lifted her head off of his back to try and look at his face.

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