Slow Dance

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A costume party at school. That's what Alya had told her. Just come for a few hours and then Marinette could leave, work on whatever project she had cooking up next. She had been stressed out recently, and hanging out with her friends would be fun! A small break from the insanity of whatever she had going on. Marinette didn't want to come, of course, she had been way too busy. But as usual, Alya didn't listen to her and, also as usual, Alya was right.

After many hours of pestering, Marinette finally agreed. She would come to the costume party, be social, dance, for two hours. Then it was right back to studying.

She should've known Alya had a few tricks up her sleeve.

The first was made very apparent when Marinette showed up in a cute, but casual Halloween themed outfit, only to be met with everyone in costume. From the waffle and chicken duo of Alix and Kim, to the godly skill Nath and Marc had put into their makeup, costumes of all shapes and sizes were spread throughout the courtyard. Even Chloe had dressed up!

Marinette stuck out like a sore thumb. Her, the fashion designer, the one who had volunteered to make everyone's costume year after year, suddenly showed up in nothing. She could see the surprise and shock on quite a few of her classmates' faces. It wasn't a particular happy feeling, on top of the fact that she didn't really want to be there.

It was a good thing that Alya just so happened to have a spare costume on her. Even better, it was a costume that would fit Marinette. And, oh would you look at that! It matched the costumes Alya, Nino, and Adrien would be in! Marinette just had to wear it now, it would be such a travesty to let such a golden opportunity go to waste. Plus, matching with Adrien would always be an added bonus.

So Marinette, feeling self-conscious and a bit light-headed at the thought of Adrien, grabbed the costume from Alya and rushed to the nearest bathroom. It wasn't until she saw the black costume fabric that she remembered what Alya had dressed up as. Rena Rouge, and Nino went as Carapace. There was only one superhero who ran around Paris dressed in black leather.

Her partner.

And that was how Marinette Dupain-Cheng was stuck going as Chat Noir for Halloween.

Thank goodness Chat Noir wouldn't show up, otherwise she would never hear the end of it. Especially if he knew she was Ladybug. But he didn't know, and there was no reason for him to show up to a random school's Halloween party, so Marinette thought she was in the clear.

Emphasis on thought.

Because that was the thing about her partner, he always shows up when she least expects him to. Sometimes it was at her balcony, sometimes it was helping out a random civilian, sometimes it was sneaking into her school to attend a costume party dressed as Ladybug. Sure, why not?

Marinette first spotted him while taking a sip of punch. She had just excused herself from Rose and Juleka to go get a drink, when a blonde man dressed in dark red approached the snack table. His eyes were human, but she would recognize the green anywhere. Especially when they were surrounded by a domino mask.

His eyes caught hers, and widened. He was obviously not expecting to see her there, which was stupid because she was a student and he wasn't. How'd he even get in? Did he just decide to crash a random party? Did Alya put him up to this?

She should go over there and give him a piece of her mind. Show him that there is no way that she was going to let this fly. He shouldn't be there, and showing up was incredibly irresponsible of him. But, if she went over there he would most likely get to talking and then she would lose her chance. Attention is what he wanted, and there was no way she was going to give into temptation.

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