Twelve Days of Christmas: Four Christmas Bakes

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Adrien licked his lips as he took in the sight in front of him. Snacks that Nathalie would probably faint at the sight of were set up on the picnic basket in front of him. A Studio Ghibli movie was queued up and ready to go. Now all Adrien needed to wait for was for his girlfriend to arrive.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late, I couldn't find where I put the container." As if his thoughts had summoned her, Ladybug came swinging in through the window.

"It's not a problem at all, my love. Here I'll take that." He held his arms out to take the container she was holding.

"Oh, okay thank you. This looks amazing Adrien." She gave him a warm smile that did wonders to his heart.

He still couldn't believe how lucky he was. Ladybug, the Ladybug, had started hanging out with him thanks to a project both of them were working on with Alya. The friendship that had started between them had rekindled his love for her and a few months after they started hanging out, he confessed. This time went a lot better than he had expected, and now he was dating her!

"It's the least I can do. I know it sucks having to stay in my bedroom all the time, but I thought I would try my hardest to make it romantic." He said, setting the container down with the rest of the snacks.

"It doesn't matter to me where we spend our time." Ladybug moved to sit down next to him. "As long as I'm with you I'll be happy. And one day..." She trailed off, intertwining their hands.

"Yeah, one day." He squeezed her hand. One day he wouldn't have to lie to her anymore. One day he could tell her that he was Chat Noir. One day he wouldn't have to be ultra paranoid about slipping up and using the wrong nickname for her. "So, what'd you make?" He asked.

"Christmas cookies! I made them this morning just for this occasion." She opened up the container to show off little Santas and Christmas trees.

"If they taste as half as good as they look then I'm in for a treat." He told her, picking up a cookie and biting into one. "Delicious as always." He complimented her, enjoying the combination of spices on his tongue.

"I'm glad you think so." Ladybug snuggled into his side and pressed play on the remote, starting the movie.

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, munching on cookies and just enjoying each other's presence.

"You know, I haven't baked anything for Christmas in years." Adrien suddenly said. Ladybug turned to look at him.

"You haven't?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"No, not since my mother disappeared. We would always make Christmas cookies together." He smiled at the fond memories.

"I'm sorry that she's gone." Ladybug whispered.

"I wish that she would come back, but I have grieved her and can live with her living on in my heart and remembering her through fond memories." He pulled Ladybug a bit closer to him, so her nose was in the crook of his neck. "I just wish my father felt the same." He muttered. Ladybug hummed.

"You know what?" She asked.


"If you want, we could make something together."

"You'd do that with me?" Adrien whispered.

"Of course, my prince. If it's something you would enjoy, then I would love to teach you how to make one of my signature cookies." He could feel her smile in his neck.

"Isn't that possibly identity revealing?" He asked. "I obviously have no problem with knowing but..."

"You're gonna have to wait a bit longer on that one and don't worry, if it comes down to it and we run into each other when I'm outside of my mask, I'll make sure you don't get this type of cookies."

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