Sleep Talking

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Marinette was tired, no she was exhausted. She was certain that her physics teacher and Hawkmoth were working together. Why else would Mme. Mendeleiev assign a two-day project the same day Hawkmoth released not one, not two, but three akumas?

So as Marinette trudged into Mme. Bustier's class, black coffee in hand, it was safe to say she might've not had the best sleep last night.

"Damn girl, what happened last night?" Alya asked. "You look like death."

"I feel like death. I was up all night working on the physics project, and Hawkmoth decided to be the absolute best person ever and send out multiple akumas. All right by my house. You should try and sleep while having to put up with the akuma's monologues." Marinette took a long sip of her coffee.

"Is that... coffee?" Adrien turned around in his seat, looking at Marinette, no looking at her coffee, with stars in his eyes.

"Back off, Agreste, this coffee is mine." Marinette glared at him.

"Please, Marinette?" He looked up at her, eyes pleading. Her heart begged for her to give him the coffee. She could always get more, and Adrien was so cute looking like that!

"No." She deadpanned, taking another drink. Sleep deprivation: 1, Crush: 0

"You have no soul." Adrien hmphed and turned back around, crossing his arms.

"You aren't running on an hour of sleep." Marinette bit back.

"Oh yeah? And how do you know that?"

"Uh, cuz there's no reason for you to?"

"I wish." Adrien snorted. "I was up just as late as you Marinette, I had a super late shoot last night that didn't get out until close to midnight. And then that physics project, not to mention the attacks." He yawned.

"Oh." Her heart twanged with guilt, if only she had given him the coffee earlier! But her poor, poor, sleep deprivation needs it! What could she possibly do?

Marinette looked down at her cup of Heaven. She looked back up at Adrien and sighed.

"Here." She pushed the half-full cup towards him, tapping it to his back. He turned around towards her, and glanced at the cup. His eyes widened.

"Are you sure Marinette?" He gaped up at her.

"Yeah... You can have the other half." She shot him a small smile.

He grabbed the cup from her, but didn't let go of her hand. He raised it to his lips and kissed it softly.

"I will forever be in your debt." He said, far too seriously for the situation. Marinette's heart skipped a beat.

Sleep deprivation: 1, Crush: 1

"Good morning class!" Mme. Bustier greeted as the bell rang. "Now everyone, let's open up our books to page 306, I've sorted you into partners to read the following sections and do the corresponding activities."

Marinette groaned and put her head down, with her luck, she'd probably be stuck with Chloe or Lila. Wouldn't that be the cherry on top to this pitch perfect day?

"Max and Mylene, Alya and Nino, Adrien and Marinette..."

Marinette's head flew right back up.

"It's your lucky day girl! You get to work with Adrien!" Alya whispered to her, slightly shaking the girl.

"Oh my gosh! I get to work with Adrien! We'll get an A+ on the assignment and then go to the movies and then we'll fall in love, get married, have three children, and a hamster named-."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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