even if the sky is falling down (i know that we'll be safe and sound)

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Happy Pride Month everyone! No matter what you identify as, you're valid! The following one-shot is Alyadrienette, which I can understand isn't everyone's cup of tea. If it's not your thing, just read something else. That's all. Vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                                                       -Colorado


It had been a long long journey getting there, but finally, it was happening. Marinette Dupain-Cheng was going on a date with her very best friends.

It had all started when Alya and Nino decided things weren't working out and broke up. Soon after, Marinette realized that she had feelings for both Alya and Adrien. What proceeded was something that Marinette could only call happy chaos. First, it was her trying to not beat herself up about it. Then came the realizations of her sexuality. All she had to do after that was work up the courage to ask the both of them out. Definitely easier said than done. It was stressful enough to confess to just one person! How was she supposed to confess to two?

Oh, and she couldn't forget about her and Chat Noir (surprise, surprise, Alya was right) accidentally revealing their identities right in the thick of it!

So yeah, the past six months have been quite a wild ride.

She still couldn't quite believe that it was happening. She had been crushing on Adrien for literal years and her feelings for Alya weren't small either.

Although, considering Alya knew what she was like when she was crushing on someone, it was a no brainer that she had seen through her. Thank goodness for Alya's deductive reasoning and rational sense, otherwise Marinette would've been stuck in another convoluted love... thing. She had enough of an over complicated love life, where everybody liked each other and no one knew, thank you very much! 

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be the first one here." Marinette looked up to see Alya smiling down at her. A small blush lit up her cheeks.

"I uh, didn't want to leave you waiting." She said sheepishly.

"Ah, don't worry about that." Alya waved her off. "Wouldn't be the first time." She winked.

"Heh. Yeah. But hey, you now know that sometimes I had to stand you up," Marinette lowered her voice, "Mlle. Rouge."

"I suppose the fate of Paris is a bit more important than me, Mlle. Ladybug." Alya replied in the same tone.

The two girls held eye contact for a few moments before breaking into giggles.

"Seriously though, sorry for being held up. Journalism called."

"Oh?" Marinette raised a brow.

"Yeah, the girl who I was interviewing would just not shut up." Alya collapsed into the seat in front of Marinette. "Look, I love interviewing people, don't get me wrong, but when you go on a thirty minute rant about something completely off topic-!" She sighed. "It gets exhausting."

"Aw, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, really. How was your afternoon?"

"Oh you know, uneventful." Marinette said nonchalantly.

"She was freaking out the entire time!" Tikki yelled from inside her purse.

"Tikki!" Marinette hissed.

"There's no shame in feeling nervous, Mari." Alya laughed.

"But I don't want you thinking that this is something I don't want or....."

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