The Downfall of Cardboard Chat Noir

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So I decided to rewatch Oblivio, as one does, and that's when I realized that although the famous Cardboard Chat Noir has many things the real suit does, it has one fatal flaw. So I wrote about it! Vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                                                                                              -Colorado


While Marinette never enjoyed akuma battles, she had to say one of her least favorite of all time was the famous Oblivio battle. Although it wasn't the most emotional, or challenging, or boring, the pure confusion Marinette felt whenever someone brought it up was enough to solidify her distaste for the akuma.

For one, the argument she and Chat had gotten into before they had gotten hit wasn't fun. She never liked fighting with him, but sometimes he just took things a step too far. She was starting to suspect that he was a masochist just by the amount of times he confessed his love for her, despite her telling him over and over there was another boy.

Although recently, she could tell his declarations of love were less of a question and more of a statement. He no longer wanted a 'yes' to whatever the silent question was. He just wanted to love her. It was... sweet, even if she wished he could turn his attention to someone else. Maybe that civilian girl he's always talking about who she knows likes him and he definitely likes her back.

But she knew that it would be even harder to convince him to move onto her now that he had proof there was something more there, lingering underneath the surface and lying in wait.

Which was the second reason Marinette disliked the whole Oblivio debacle. They had kissed! She had willingly kissed Chat Noir and not for plan reasons, but because she wanted too! What had her amnesia induced self thinking? She wasn't in love with Chat Noir, she was in love with Adrien! Was her love for Adrien so fickle that all it would take was a memory wipe to fall for Chat? She knew that once or twice Marinette had wondered what it would be like to date her partner, but she always diminished the thought quickly. Now, she couldn't just ignore it with the reminder that there was Adrien, because to her Oblivio self, there was never an Adrien. Just her partner.

Would falling for Chat Noir really be that easy? If she just.... stopped resisting? Stopped thinking about what could go wrong? Could she really fall in love with him just like that? In the span of a few minutes?

Something told her she already knew the answer, she just didn't want to face it.

And that was why she was doing this. That was why she was scouring down every news story, article, blog post, video, etc. about Oblivio. She had to learn the answer to a question that had come into her head ever since she saw Chat's grin as he turned her head towards the photo of them kissing.

What the heck happened? 

"Marinette, don't you think you should go to bed? It's after three and you have school tomorrow."

"Not now, Tikki." Marinette waved her off. "I just found unreleased footage of someone who had been flying around the tower while we were fighting Oblivio."

"Oh Marinette," Tikki sighed. "You're still on that?"

"I need to know what happened Tikki! How could I have just kissed Chat like that? What did my Oblivio self know that I don't?"

"How to realize when you're in love with someone." Tikki muttered under her breath.

"What was that?"

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