Suddenly, I See

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Well, it is the sixth anniversary of Miraculous Ladybug, so of course, I just had to take advantage of the opportunity and write a fluffy LadyNoir identity reveal piece. The lack of LadyNoir in this account hurts, and is something that must be remedied. Vote and comment if you've enjoyed!                                                                                              -Colorado


Ladybug was nervous.

Why? Chat Noir wasn't sure, but she had been fidgeting the entire night. Even if none of the news reporters caught it amidst the countless interviews they did, he could tell. She was playing with her hands in between questions, and she was more tense than normal.

Of course, it could just be the pressure of not messing up in front of the camera's, but she's had more than enough practice by now. Maybe she was just tired after how hectic the day had been, but a sleepy bug looked much different than a nervous one.

"Alright, folks, I think that's enough questions for now. Ladybug and I want to thank you for staying positive and hopeful throughout this past year. We love saving Paris, and we love saving all of you, although we hope we never have to." He winked, earning a chuckle from the crowd. "Now, go out and enjoy the festivities! Let's show Hawkmoth, or Shadowmoth, that he will not be able to bring us down so easily!" A cheer arose and the endless sea of people mercifully parted. Chat turned towards his partner. "Ready, bugaboo?"

"Hm? Oh! Yep! I'm super ready, the readiest you've ever seen. I'm so ultra-ready for this!" She gave him a grin turned grimace that reminded him of someone, if only he could place who it was.

"Good. I'd hate for you to not enjoy our night after all." Chat Noir gestured to the Eiffel Tower, and the landscape around it. Instead of having grass and trees for tourists and Parisians to enjoy an afternoon picnic, it had been turned into a carnival filled with different vendors, concerts, events, and rides.

It had officially been one year since Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared, and Paris wasn't going to let Shadowmoth forget it.

"Y-yeah." She looked down at her feet, obviously deep in thought about something, if only Chat Noir could get a clue about what it was.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"What?" Ladybug snapped her gaze back towards his. "Yep! I'm fine, totally fine and ready and prepared! Why do you think I'm not fine? Because I can assure you that I am. I'm the picture of fineness."

"Ladybug..." Chat Noir crossed his arms and gave her a look. "You think that after a year, I'm gonna fall for that?"

"Yes?" She shrugged, a nervous grin on her face. When Chat Noir's gaze didn't retreat, she dropped her shoulders and sighed. "No..."

"What's wrong, bug?" He leaned closer to her and looked up and down, as if inspecting her.

"Nothing!" She squeaked, and was it the low lighting, or was there a blush on her cheeks? Who was he kidding? It was definitely the lighting. 

Chat Noir raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously, nothing is wrong, I'm just nervous."


Ladybug gulped.

"Um, do you think we could go somewhere a bit more private?" She asked. They had previously been stationed outside of the carnival to officially open up the carnival and even if the cameras had left them alone, many civilians were still mingling.

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