Twelve Days of Christmas: Ten Decorations

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Marinette flew around her room, a flurry of excitement and worry.

"Marinette, what are you doing?" Tikki asked, watching her.


"But, why? Adrien's going to be here soon!"

"That's exactly why I'm cleaning, Tikki! I can't have my room be a mess when he comes over!" Marinette said.

"But, you replaced the schedule with your own and took down all the photos?"

"Well yeah, I should've done that ages ago regardless if he was coming over or not. But I don't want him to think my room is a pigsty!"

"Do you really think Adrien will judge you for not having a perfectly cleaned room?"

"He might! And then he'll get disgusted and then he'll hate me and never talk to me again and then he'll tell his father all sorts of bad things about me and I'll never be successful in fashion and my life will be over!" Marinette cried, flopping down on her chaise.

"Why would your life be over?" A voice asked.

"Oh, she's just being her over-dramatic self again." Tikki told the new-comer.

"Mari..." Adrien shook his head and went to go sit by the girl whose face was still in the chaise.

"A-Adrien?" She took her face out of the pillow and fell back. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Um, decorating?" He asked.

"You're early. By like ten minutes."

"Actually, we're late by two."

"What? Tikki! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I tried Marinette." Her kwami shrugged and Marinette only glared.

"Obviously not hard enough if he's here."

"So, do you want to tell me what you were flipping out about, or...?" He trailed off.

"Nope, I'm good." Marinette gave him an awkward smile and finger guns. Then proceeded to want to kick herself.

"Okay then." He gave her finger guns back.

Good thing Adrien was just as dorky as her.

"Marinette! Adrien refused to give me any camembert until we got here because it was apparently slowing us down. This is animal cruelty!" Plagg flew out of Adrien's pocket and into her hands.

Marinette petted the top of his head.

"Aw, I'm sorry Plagg. I'll be sure to get you something when we go downstairs, okay?"

"See Adrien, she's nice to me."

"That's because she doesn't live with you."

'Yet.' Marinette thought. It was an old habit of hers, imagining what life would be like as Adrien as her husband.

One that had been broken when she started to imagine Chat Noir in Adrien's place, but in lieu of recent circumstances it turned out the face behind the mask was Adrien's.

They weren't anything, of course. Marinette could still remember that night when she was planning on confessing to Chat Noir, only to have her heart broken as he started to rave about a girl in his civilian life.

Marinette guessed that it was someone that he had started to model with. It couldn't be Kagami, they had broken up, and it couldn't be her for obvious reasons. Chloe and Lila were both terrible people and Marinette could trust him not to date them and every other girl in their class was taken or, in Alix's case, was aromantic.

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