Gone Forever This Time

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The first time Misty Day had died, Angel thought she was never going to see her older sister again. Never see her smile, never hear her laugh, never feel her warm hugs again. Then, she suddenly came back. Misty had used her gift of Resurgence and brought herself back to life, back to her home.

Then for a second time, Misty Day had died. Asphyxiation due to being buried alive in a coffin thanks to Madison Montgomery. No one had known what happened to the swamp witch but that time Angel had more hope that she would be reunited with her sister. After all, it had happened before. Thanks to the assistance of Cordelia, that came true for Angel. She found her sister and she was once again allowed to hear her sister's sweet accent-heavy voice.

And then, for a third time in less than a year, Misty Day perished. But now, there was no hope of her return. Her descent into Hell had been successful, it was the return that she had failed at. Her soul was now a ward of the netherworld, never to return to Earth, constantly trapped in her own personal torment until the end of time and even after that.

After sobbing until she could no more, Angel was once again lost and unmoving. She had to be carried upstairs by Kyle into her bed where she did nothing but blankly stare at the ceiling. Left behind in her sister's wake, was the shawl gifted to the woman by Stevie Nicks. Though, technically it now belonged to Angel.

Myrtle and Cordelia entered the room after some time, a glass of water in the redhead's free hand.

"Drink some water, dear. You must be dehydrated." Myrtle requested.

Angel took the glass from her but didn't drink from it, she just simply let it sit in her hand. Cordelia sat on the edge of the bed and heavily sighed, bowing her head. She too felt devastated by the death of Misty Day, she had felt a special connection with the Cajun that she couldn't explain. She was cheerful, warm, and bright; and now, her flame was prematurely and permanently extinguished. While she wished for nothing more than to hide away and cry until she fell asleep from exhaustion, she had an obligation to the girls to remain strong- especially to Angel. 

"She's gone." Angel whispered, "She's gone and she can never come back. I'm actually all alone now."

Cordelia frowned and placed a hand on her arm, "No, Angel. You are not alone. You will never be alone." She honestly didn't truly know what to say in order to comfort the young girl. What she had claimed was true after all, Misty was gone and she wasn't coming back this time.

"You mustn't let this destroy you, young one." Myrtle said, sadly gazing down at the girl. "You have a heart of fire, don't let it die out now."

"But what's the point?" Angel asked, she sat up and angrily slammed the glass down on the bedside table. "My own personal hell was about Misty leaving me behind and now she's actually gone! This isn't some nightmare I can wake up from." She brought her knees to her chest and began crying once more.

"I'm done." She declared.

"Done?" Cordelia hesitantly asked. "What do you mean?"

"The test. I'm not doing it anymore. I never wanted to be the Supreme anyway."

"That's not how this works, darling." Myrtle said, "Every one of you is a candidate. We need to test all of you to see who it is."

"I'm not doing it!" She shouted, glaring at the older witch.

Cordelia raised her hand to stop Angel. "Okay, dear. That's fine, you don't have to do it."

"Cordelia?!" Myrtle asked incredulously.

"If she doesn't wish to do it, then so it shall be." Cordelia firmly stated. "We will just finish the test with the other girls downstairs."

Myrtle sighed but nodded her head in agreement. She stepped out of the room, leaving the two blonde witches on their own for a moment.

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