Chapter 1 Part 1 - 2

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---??????? Pov---

"So this is the Convention? Looks so different then it had back then..." I told myself in a daze stepping out the Mustang and glaring out to the Anime Convention entrance. Admiring how different it looked from how I'd last remembered it. I glared up to the still lit up and glowing sign above the doors. 'Freya's Pizza and Anime Convention, Under All New Management!' I grew a look of uncertainty. Since the death of the original owner... I've only found myself worry about them... Rather there treatment is changed... for the best... or for the feared worst... My phone rang off my alarm I'd set for 12Am... My first night... Starts now. I took a deep breath as I closed my car door, My eyes drifted towards the ground for a moment before I let the breath out and looked towards the doors and began walking with faked Confidences to them. "Will they be the same? Will they be as bad as they was rumored to be in the past? or Worse? Are they even still here? Or Replaced..." I thought to myself, thinking back to the simpler days when I was young and careless, breaking rules and sneaking around to hangout with them... Simpler times back then... I glared down at my locket as I took out a old picture they took... when I caught the flue and they'd managed to get to me by Golden Freya teleporting me the card... and photo... I placed it back in my pocket after I finished looking over it...

 I placed it back in my pocket after I finished looking over it

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But that's been so long ago... I've grown so much since then... I doubt they will ever begin to recognize me... I reached the door and gave myself no time to hesitate as I pushed open the door locking it behind as the Lights on the sign outside automatically switched off and along with it the lights inside the building. Walking beyond the ticket counter I could see only the sillowet of two curved seeming Females, Eyes of Purple and Orange that was basically a Boarder line red glowed out looking me from them. Not being born yesterday... I knew that a 3rd was missing from the stage as I knew who stared at me by just the eye color... I could assume the 3rd didn't change stages while I've been gone...

 I showed now fear to knowing there activity was highest in this moment... I continued walking beyond the way from the entrance and my exit at that. I Glared around calmly with out a rush for the eye glow or sillowet of the missing animatronic. Not seeing her I stopped next to some tables and booths. I had a slight sign of growing worry. "Where had she gone? This could spell a very big problem for me!" I thought growing more nervous by the moment. I glared over to the stage, seeing the two hadn't moved yet, But still staring me down. I turned my body there way and began looking around for a metal to reflect there glowing eyes off to find the missing animatronic... "Damn it Freya, why did you have to be active before I got in..." I Spoke under my breath. "Careful what you say about me" Her voice came from directly behind me. I felt my gut sink for a time, a sudden cold sweat broke over... I hesitantly turned back spotting a pair of flowing eyes beneath my nose... Her eyes illuminated her and they at the same time... seemed to stare past the deepest pit of regret and fear inside me... She lay atop her back on the table top of a booth, hands under her head and legs crossed, with a casual look to boot.

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