Chapter 6 Part 3 - 5

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"....And Remember! We'll be having a Birthday boy today! He will be arriving sometime between 2 and 4 today, and along with him a just short of 100 kids and parents... So everyone remember to sing him the Company happy birthday song! and Not the ACTUAL song, because some asshole copy righted it and I don't have the money to take a copy right case." The owner continued to explain to us, as he had us all gathered up onto the stage... all besides The Goldens... and the new girl... "Yes Sir" Everyone but me answered... Because me... Hooooh me... I was lost in dreams... In memories... Missing the family I feel I may have never had... Because They feel so far away and so distant now then ever before... "Wolf... You understand?" The owner asked calling on me with a hint of uncertainty in his tone. It broke me from my daze... I looked into his eyes that told of genuine concern... With a fake put on smile I nodded... "Yes sir" I answered in a faked tone of cheer... What I'd give to not have to fake my day's away anymore... It's only day two... and I don't think I can stand to survive being this way a week...

"Sometimes... In life... you have to do the very things you don't like... things you hate to do... but you have to, because life won't slow down to consider your feelings... no... instead it will leave you with out a stick to sit on... So hold your chin up and push on... and just hold your head high... stick your chest out strong... and put your feet in front each other one... step at a time... and make your own path through it all... An If you ever feel like you can't make it through a ruff patch in life... I want you to remember back to me... Your father's pushed through the pain and the sorrow of all the nights I wished to had spent with you two beautiful children of mine... But I pushed on... I do it for you... and If I do it... then I know you... My own son... can push forward through a hole war all... on your own..." Dad long ago heart to heart with me filled my head as hearing his voice oddly made me feel safe... Comforted and like I could make it through a volcano... Slowly causing my faked smile to grow into something more... something real... To a thankful... appreciative... and self believing smile...

"Good to hear! Now... Lets get this place looking the best it's ever looked befor..." The owner excited in tone...  but being interrupted by spotting a car rolling into the parking lot... Not due to open till ten so it wasn't a normal occurrence here to have earlier arrivals... "Umm... Does you're sister have a license?" Golden Freya asked in my head tone sounding concerned while confused too... "No... Why?" I answered back in my head... Not yet seeing who or what rolled into the lot... But slowly I looked over to the parking lot as the owner did... others following to do the same... as my eyes laid onto the car they revved it... a few times in a aggressive... but beautiful display of power fashion before turning off... "K-K...Katie..." I mumbled as quite as I could... I felt my heart hurt... but yet also it felt pride... Stepping out of the driver seat... a girl I knew all to well... Wearing Black jeans... torn up old hand me down square toe boots.. hand me downs from origins of myself... A white T shirt and Red and Grey checkered Flannel left unbuttoned... Hair cut short but still plenty hang over making sure to show off it was worn by a girl who had there mind strong and set up with out confusion in there life... and a Locket all so familiar worn around there neck...

There facial expression was far different now... then yesterday... Here... and now looking accepting to there pain... overcoming of the problems and accepting to the inability to change what has been made and able to walk through it with out losing there self... "C-Chelsy..." I mumbled again... quite... "It's all just muscle memory..." Something I once told her in Katie years ago echoed... "B-But don't you need to see the gauges before you shift... or the shifter! Don't you ever get scared that you'll go into the wrong gear?" Her voice rocked my mind world... "No... I never do... Katie will take care of me so long as I take care of her... She'll tell you what she needs all I have to do is listen... and no matter how many times I shift gear to gear... and no matter how many times she raise through the RPM... The gear's do not change order... and where she needs another gear at High Rpm never changes either... even when I'm not looking." I remembered telling her... Did those words help you Chelsy... did they make driving her possible for you? and did mom and dad even know you snuck out with her? I bet not... Did you unleash her? did she open your eyes... or did she silence the pain that haunted and lived your life for you?

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