𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑟𝑢𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑠

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𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑤 -

WALKING DOWN THE HALL HAND IN HAND WITH RICK WAS ALL NEW, however, it was something I enjoyed greatly. Adam was out sick today, so we didn't have anyone to hide from. And of course we weren't thinking about anyone going to tell my brother. No body would, right?

Rick walked me to my first period class, my books in his hands while his free hand was around my waist. The boy was a lot taller than I had been, practically a foot taller, which made him even more attractive in my eyes.

  People stared at us as we walked. I wasn't sure if it was pure shock for them, or they thought it was cute, but people were starting to talk and I could hear them. I was starting to grow uncomfortable and Rick knew. He removed his arm from around me, his hand gripping ahold of my bicep. He turned me around and headed in the direction of his father office. He was out for the day, but Rick still had a key and considering who he was, the ladies in the office wouldn't ask who he was.

He shut the door behind us when we made it into his fathers office, him switching the lights on as well. A small breath slipped my lips. I took a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk while Rick himself leaned against the large desk in front of me. I looked up at the older boy. He sent me a sympathetic look.

"People are talking, so what?" He started. "They're talking, they're just rumors we can easily deny." I sighed and shook my head.

"It's not that.., Rick," I trailed off. I looked at him with sad eyes, "I hate sneaking around because of my brothers. It's not fair to you at all, and I should just live with it. I don't want to hide you." I paused, "and the ducks, I don't know if they'd snitch or not and I don't know how many people already saw us so I don't know if they know or not and it's all just..., I feel bad."

"Come here," he told me softly. I sighed again. I stood up from where I sat and walked over to him where he still leaned against the desk. When I got to him, he put his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him. For once he was actually eye level. I gazed into his emerald dreamy eyes and bit my lip hard. "I know how close you and Adam are and I wouldn't want for you to lose that because of me. And if I'm being honest, I like this sneaking around. It's kinda.., hot," he smirked. His eyes trailed from my eyes down to my lips.

I couldn't help but smile. I moved forwards even more, our bodies touching. He pressed his lips against mine and kissed me roughly, his hands moving further down my back. I felt butterflies storm in my stomach with a mixture of sparks. I kissed him back, letting my hands snake around his neck. He held me tightly. Our lips moved together in synch. Oh how I missed that feeling. My knees became weak and my heart started to race. This boy was perfect in every way, wasn't he?

   Neither of us dared to pull away for air. The kiss started to become heated, turning into a full make out session. I wasn't complaining at all. Even if we were in his fathers office. Rick placed his hands on the back of my thighs, pulling me closer and closer to the point where there was no room between us. I felt fireworks erupt in my stomach. He moved his lips away from mine and started to place kisses along my jawline gently. I smiled wide and let out a small laugh. The boy slowly pulled away from me. I kept my arms around his neck and hugs face remained close to mine.

   "What's so funny?" He grinned.

   "It's just..., I'm happy," I said, "that's all, I'm happy."

WE SUCCESSFULLY WENT THROUGH THE DAY WITHOUT ANYONE FINDING OUT. We kept our distance all day, meeting outside on the track during our study halls. During lunch, if anyone became suspicious, the girls and Guy quickly denied everything for me. They seemed to have wanted this for me and I was beyond happy to have friends like them.

   After school, I had practice. I left early with Marcee and on the way, we stopped at the school home of the Hawks and picked up Charles too. When we got to practice, we all changed and got on the ice and immediately started to warm up and get into action.

The stands were practically empty today asides from Coen down by the benches doing some homework. It only made me wonder where Rick was. He knew I had practice today and said he'd be there, but where even was he? I felt disappointed if I was being honest. I was hoping he'd actually be here. Marcee and Charles both could tell how upset I was by how terribly I was playing. Coach Deana wasn't very happy with it, so, she decided to bench me for a few minutes while everyone else got to play. I didn't mind it. It benefited me more so now I could clear my mind.

When I got the the bench, I took my helmet and my gloves off and set everything to the side of me. I even took my skates off. When I had my skates off, I stood up and walked out the door above the benches that lead to the stand where Coen was sitting. When he saw me, he shut his book and smiled.

"Hey, Aubree, what's up?" Coen sweetly said to me. When he saw the look on my face, his smile faded. "Oh, yeah, Rick isn't here," he murmured. He stood up in front of me and gave me a sympathetic smile. "He wanted me to tell you that he was going to pick you up from practice but he didn't promise he'd be here to watch you," he informed me. I nodded my head and huffed and thanked him. I took a seat beside where he once sat and sighed.

   "We haven't even been together for a month and I feel like I'm already screwing up," I admitted. I looked down at my hands in my lap. I looked up at Coen. "Does this whole dating thing get easier?"

   He nodded his head, "it does, yeah, but like you said, it hasn't even been a month. It'll take time, Aubree. And trust me when I say Rick really likes you. It was hard keeping it from you. He just wanted to wait it out and get to be your friend first because he didn't know what to think about liking a younger girl. Not that it's a bad thing because it isn't. But it's Rick. It takes him time to get used to things. The last person he was with broke his heart, as you know." I smiled at the older boy and nodded. I carefully bit my lip.

   "Oh, yeah, more than you know."

𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ☽ Rick RileyWhere stories live. Discover now