10- Undoubtedly falling

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Draco's POV:

I groaned again as I rolled over. My head overwhelmed with thoughts.

Thoughts specifically about Y/n.

And I absolutely hated it. She would not get out of my head.

But what I hated more was why she was in my head.

Recently I'd developed some kind of... feelings.. towards her. But I didn't really know what to label it as.

Whether this was just me being a hormonal teenager or maybe it would go away.

But the emotions started piling up on me, and I longed for my mother's word of advice. So just as it got too much for me and I got up to go downstairs.

I descended the stairs, tugging the sleeves of my forest green hoodie.

As I entered the doors of our library, I called out to my mother.

'Mother..?' I rounded a book shelf and spotted her sitting on a chaise, her legs crossed, holding a book with a cup of herbal tea on the small table beside her.

Her gaze lifted to me, her eyebrows raised with curiosity.

'Hey darling.. what's wrong.' She said as she shut her book and straightened her posture.

I sighed as I sat down on the chair opposite to her.

'Mother...' I began quietly, unsure of how to express it. She tilted her head, urging me to continue.

'I- uhm.. so there's this girl, Mum.' I blurted, my pale cheeks flushing almost instantly.

Her face lit up almost instantly, blue eyes accentuated by candle light.

'A girl?' Her lips quirked in a smile.

'Well- uhm.. yes.' I murmured.

'Go one then.' She chuckled before adding, 'tell me about her!'

And that was like adding fuel to the already lit fire.

'Oh god Mum.' I groaned aloud at the thought of her. 'She's so beautiful. She has gorgeous y/h/c hair and these- these eyes- god they are so captivating! And don't even get me started on her personality.' I paused realising how many internalised thoughts I just spewed out to my mother.

She just sat with an undeniably proud smile displayed on her lips.

'So you're in-love?' She raised her brows.

'Well I'm not sure..' I murmured, my cheeks still a deep shade of pink.

She simply let out a laugh.

'You just told me how beautiful inside and out this girl is, and now you're questioning if you're into her?'

'It's not exactly that simple.' I huffed, pressing my hands over my face.

'Oh but I think it is.' She smiled, taking a sip of her tea.

'What would Father say..' I glanced up at her, that was one of the most important things.

Her face dropped slightly at the mention of it, he was away right now and I could tell she missed him.

'He would.. well he'd probably question it. But if you loved her and it made you happy.' She said, her tone soft, careful. As though she handpicked the words to make sure it came across best as possible on his part.

I let a small sigh flow from my lips as I averted my gaze to the large shelves filled with any book imaginable.

'And the other thing is I have no clue how to even remotely tell her I like her.'

She stood up, opening her arms out.

She knew I needed hug. I stood quickly and felt her arms hold me in her comforting embrace.

'You'll knows when the timings right. I promise.' She said, no more than a faint whisper in my ear.

'Thanks Mum.'

A/N: shorter imagine but I thought this was cute! Hope you enjoyed <3

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